On 07/23/2013 11:01 PM, Marco Martin wrote:
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 10:52 PM, Jan Grulich <jgrul...@redhat.com
<mailto:jgrul...@redhat.com>> wrote:

    Maybe the applet is already at a point where it could be used at
    least on the ARM images? I hope Lamarque can answer that.
      Nope, my applet has the same problem like the old one on my Nexus
    7. It looks like all the applets in the panel have some problems
    with touch input, because even battery applet doesn't work for me.

ah, the gool old input problem on arm, yes, this was always there.
one thing that could be tried is to patch popupapplet in libplasma to do
the popup fuillscreen or something like that (and no, i can't do it, i
have no way to test it whatsoever)

I have another question but don't know if it leads into the right direction:
Point is, when it works on one device but not on another one, there has to be some difference between those.

What I can tell is that ArchosG9 and Nexus7 have that issue.
They use different kernel modules for touch input. So, I'd assume that the problem is not located in there. Just for the sake of completeness, what's the kernel module(s) for the Intel veriants?

Both, ArchosG9 and Nexus7, use mtev Xorg-wise, iirc. Could the issue be located there?
What's the input driver that's used for the Intel version?

The ArchosG9 variant uses an older Xorg (with ABI 11 iirc) but the Nexus7 uses a newer one. So the question: is the assumption sensible that the problem is not located in Xorg as well?

Also, just for the sake of completeness, could someone send a complete Xorg.log of a working Intel version?

The whole issue is pretty puzzling for me.



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