Hi Bogdan,

wikis are for collaborative editing so you should really be able to edit

Please try again. I have little interest in playing the edit monkey :)



On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 11:06 PM, Bogdan Cristea <crist...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri 16 Aug 2013 07:34:30 PM CEST, Michael Bohlender wrote:
>> http://community.kde.org/**Plasma/Active/Development<http://community.kde.org/Plasma/Active/Development>
>> needs some work.
>> http://community.kde.org/**Plasma/Active/Development#**
>> Plasma_SDK:_Plasmate<http://community.kde.org/Plasma/Active/Development#Plasma_SDK:_Plasmate>
>> :
>> Could someone using openSuse add the latest information about how to
>> install plasmate to the plasmate section? I removed the old info about
>> adding sebas personal repository for 11.4 because that looked outdated
>> to me.
>> http://community.kde.org/**Plasma/Active/Development#**
>> Plasma_Active_Core_Development<http://community.kde.org/Plasma/Active/Development#Plasma_Active_Core_Development>
>> **:
>> the part about contour seems to be outdated. what is the current state
>> of contour? could someone with knowledge edit this part or provide me
>> with enough information so I can do it?
>> http://community.kde.org/**Plasma/Active/Development#**
>> Integration_Workflow<http://community.kde.org/Plasma/Active/Development#Integration_Workflow>
>> What is the state of the openSuse integration workflow?
>> Is this still happening?
>> I will update the meego part and make it about mer.
>> Do we still have automated devel images form basyskom ?
>> http://community.kde.org/**Plasma/Active/Development#**Release_Management<http://community.kde.org/Plasma/Active/Development#Release_Management>
>> Do we  keep the "two month after KDE SC release plan?
>> With PA4 obviously not but what about the future?
>> how should i change that chapter ?
>> ______________________________**_________________
>> Active mailing list
>> Active@kde.org
>> https://mail.kde.org/mailman/**listinfo/active<https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/active>
> Hi
> I am unable to modify PA wiki with my kde account. Could someone put on
> the wiki the article I have wrote on "Setting up an AP development
> environment for your application" ? It could be put on
> "Plasma/Active/Development" page (http://community.kde.org/**
> Plasma/Active/Development<http://community.kde.org/Plasma/Active/Development>)
> as section 1.2
> thanks
> Bogdan
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