Hello Plasma Activists,

Today is Release Day, and we are finalizing the announcement that will
appear on The Dot (dot.kde.org)

In the discussion was the following interchange:

Aaron Seigo:
"what I do wish was in the article was a list of things Plasma Active
comes with (touch-friendly groupware including email and calendaring; file
management; etc.) so people don’t forget or people new to it understand what
is there."

Thomas Pfeiffer:
Yes. That's also what we agreed on during the release marketing
meeting, but somehow it turned into a "what's new" anyway. Maybe the
paragraph should be renamed to "What Plasma Active 4 offers" and
contain everything important and cool, regardless of when it was

So what should be on the list of what Plasma Active 4 offers?

Time is short. Please reply to the list with your suggestions for what
should be included.

Thank you
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