On Monday, October 7, 2013 19:19:06 Wolfgang Romey wrote:
> data are shown. I have not tried if i can enter a new password. But maybe
> there is something broken.

yes, there was a wrong configuration on the server; this is why we’re going 
through everything one more time with a fine-tooth-comb before saying everyone 
should start using it.

longer story:

last week when we did the roll out we started an internal post-beta test by 
manually walking through each and every feature (not just in the manager, but 
also the server code). this turned up a few issues, both bugs but also things 
we weren’t happy with how they were working.

fast forward to this week and it looks like we’ve tamed all the beasts. at 
least you won’t have to bleed over all the things we fixed in the last week, 
but i apologize for the delay in any case.

we just want this to be a reliable, solid set of tools when it rolls out to 

Aaron J. Seigo
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