Hi everyone,
I just walked through the experience of becoming a Bodega Partner/Participant. 
Here is what I noticed (good or bad, in chronological order) until the point 
where I have to be accepted as a Publisher:

- I wasn't sure if I could use my make.play.live user account as participant 
account as well, so I just went ahead and created a participant account with 
the same data as my user account. This resulted in the following message:
"A new Make·Play·Live account has been created for you!"
And below in red "AccountExists". So which one is it? Has it been created or 
does it already exist?

- The login page asks for a user name, but I don't have one, so I used the 
email address associated with my account and that worked. Seems like the input 
hint on the field is just incorrect.

- The partner list has three unlabeled action icons on the right which do not 
have a tooltip (title tag)

- The Terms of Service page: 
 - When hovering anywhere over the page, the cursor turns into the link cursor 
but when I click, nothing happens
 - the second bullet in the "Definitions" list is empty
 - "You agree to not upload content, create store," should be "Stores" or "a 
 - I liked the "That wasn't too bad, was it?". It gives the dull task of 
reading ToS a little more humane
 - "The Warehouse commits to exclusively use software distributed under a Free 
software license as defined by the Debian Free Software Guidelines in the 
operation of the Warehouse. This includes the content server software and the 
applications the Warehouse hosts or distributes which are used to access the 
content system." Even though it clearly only relates to the software used to 
manage and access stuff, when I read it less carefully the first time, it 
looked to me like the Warehouse would only _host_ Free software as well. 
Therefore even though legally everything is fine, it might be a good idea to 
add that proprietary software may be hosted in the Warehouse as assets in 
order not to scare away people who wish to put proprietary software into their 
stores. On the other hand, maybe scaring away proprietary software people is a 
good thing? ;)
- creating stores -> creating Stores
- The ToS are amazingly short for something involving hosting and even selling 
content! I wonder why other stores have ToS several times as long as this just 
for accessing content or providing user-generated content without any payment 
involved. Unless it turns out at some point that you missed some crucial 
legalese which bites you in the ass later on, these ToS should be the role 
model for ToS for any digital store!

This is of course only friendly feedback since I am not in any way responsible 
for Bodega, so do with it as you please ;)

More will come as soon as I am accepted as Publisher.


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