On Tuesday 22 October 2013 13:47:27 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > When sending a request for publishing for an image, there is still the
> > message, that an icon is missing. There is only the possibility to upload
> > a
> > sreenshot, which i did, but which is not accepted as an icon.
> Turning screenshots into icons is not implemented; you need to provide an
> icon.

Auto-creating icons from thumbnails was what Marco suggested in a previous 
thread, wasn't it (see below)?

> b) modify the server in such when icons are generated, if none present, use
> the screenshot and resize it icon-sized

Is it still the plan to implement that in the future? For me, this is the way 
to go, because what works better as an icon for an image than a small version 
of it?
If that will be implemented in the future, I think it can be worked around be 
users creating an icon from a scaled-down version of the image themselves. It 
would just be more convenient if the server did it automagically.
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