On Thursday, October 31, 2013 21:10:12 Wolfgang Romey wrote:
> I think folder and tagging are far from ready in KDE.
>  I have a lot of images i tag intensely in digikam. When i sync them to my
> weTab via owncloud, i have tag them anew. That is not acceptable. As long as
> tags are not tied to a file, tagging is not ready.

Tagging is highly dependent on the originating device, though. On the target 
machine, tags might not exist, or might have a different meaning. They could 
connect different assets, and so on. The best you can do, is compare the tag 
names, but that doesn't actually say a lot about the tags. It might be enough 
for most cases, however.

> When I copy files to my weTab, i should be aksed, if I want to tag them. If
> yes, my tags should be offered and I should be able to create new one.
> The same should happen, when i load down content from bodega.
> One tag should allways be the folder in which the file rests, so i can see
> which files are in a folder and can tag them. When i tag them with another
> folder, the old tag folder would removed
> As long as tagging is far from ready, PA should offer fallback lines. One
> fallback for me is dolhin, allthough it is not touch optimized.

I think you're missing one important thing: If we put Dolphin by default, that 
would make absolutely sure that Files doesn't get any exposure, and no fixes. 
It would also convey the message that we're just trying to ship Desktop 
applications for touch devices, and that is the exact opposite of our 
strategic direction. We're deliberately sacrificing functionality for this 
here. Those that feel compelled, or prefer Dolphin can still use it just fine, 
and I think that's a great asset as well. (We get many useful, even if not 
touch-optimized, apps that way, but they should not be put into the spotlight 
in Plasma Active.)


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