On Wednesday 06 November 2013 15:26:58 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Wednesday, November 6, 2013 15:08:37 Sascha Manns wrote:
> > some days ago i have changed my email address for Bodega. The problem now
> > is that everytime when i'm starting Bodega it uses the old address.
> You mean Active Add Ons? if so, the account to use is stored in kwallet.
> However, it *should* use the last address you successfully log in with. When
> Add Ons fails to log in, it should bring you to the log in screen where you
> can put in a different email (the new one) .. at which point is it failing?

so, seems that on device wallet->writeMap(sessionWalletKey(m_session), map) 
doesn't have any effect if a map with that key was already there. (this happens 
only on device)

it then works if i delete the "makeplaylive" directory in the wallet before 
saving the new value again. workaround, but seems a bit brutal..

Marco Martin
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