On Wednesday, November 6, 2013 20:21:21 Wolfgang Romey wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 6. November 2013, 19:10:53 schrieb Aaron J. Seigo:
> > On Wednesday, November 6, 2013 18:59:06 Wolfgang Romey wrote:
> > > Now I wanted to delete the partner WRomey in the new account, but get
> > > the
> > > message, that i am not authorized to do this. What has to be done?
> > 
> > Hm; I’ll have to look into this, though tomorrow as I’m out of time 
> > There are restrictions on deleting partners, but they should only become
> > effective once assets have been created. Also, only the Partner Manager
> > can
> > delete a partner.
> > 
> > > BTW: How can a new user of the warehouse find a partner? Does he allways
> > > have to create a new one?
> > 
> > Usually if someone is with a partner, they already know it. e.g. they work
> > at a company together, or are in a Free software project together.
> > 
> > Bodega doesn’t help people find new partners to join, it lets people
> > create
> > partnerships that reflect what already exists in the outside world.
> That is important for the user guide.

Yes, and it is so good to have someone who hasn’t been working on making the 
system help document it, as everything we take as for granted due to being in 
the middle of it for so long you are noticing and documenting. 

> Is it rifht, that searching on the partner page means searching partners,
> which are listed there? E.g. if in a woking group of 100 people i can have
> 20 partners i can search a partner and add persons to the partner found?


Aaron J. Seigo
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