On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 19:40:54 Wolfgang Romey wrote:
> 1.) Syncing contacts and calendar via own cloud does not work anymore (i
> filed a bug report). Both are essential for tablet users.

hm. this is using the ownCloud client installed from the Add Ons client?

> 2.) I cannot add feeds to the feed-reader. I can copy the feed-url and paste
> it in the reader, but it gets lost and does not appear as a new channel.

this is one for sebastian to look into, i think.

> 3.) Unfortunately playing mpX-media is a must for tablets. This should be
> possible on vivaldi.

yes, but this is a matter of (mostly non-free) codecs; not something for the 
base Plasma Active to worry about.

> 4.) Files should have a way to show only files which are not tagged or give
> a hint, that a file is tagged. As you remove a tag, when you drag it again
> to the tag, 

can you file a bug report for this one?

> it is difficult to to tag a great number of files. I get lost
> in doing it.

is this a separate issue? if so, can you describe it further?

> 5.) Files should have a way of creating a file. When you are  for example in
> documents, it should be possible to start an editor via creating new
> document. That`s some kind of taskorientation.

discussed already at great length previously; it is indeed on our next feature 
release roadmap.

> 6.) There should be a sketching applikation (which starts via files the same
> way as described for documents).

krita sketch with qml already exists; needs packaging.

> 7.) Maybe files should show your emails too, so you can tag them.

we talked about that, and decided it would be entirely too messy. kontact’s UI 
needs updating, and that includes having tags.

> 8.) It should be possible to synchronize tags between PA and desktop. It is
> a bit frustrating, that one has for example to tag images on the desktop
> and tag them again in PA.

requires features in nepomuk.

> 9.) At least one further example of task-orientation should be realized.
> Maybe writing and sending a report or something simpler.

Aaron J. Seigo
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