Am Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2013, 21:47:27 schrieb Marco Martin:
> On Thursday 19 December 2013 18:42:00 Wolfgang Romey wrote:
> > I have tried my luck, unfortunately with frustrating results. In
> > virtualbox
> > the iso boots fine and has network-connection, which works. After
> > installing it, the network connection does not work any more. I have not
> > tested, if it is still crashing.
> > At thr end of the installation, i get the message, that some packages are
> > missing.
> > 
> > Installing on my weTab was not possible, as it did not find a bootable
> > system on the stick. I tried to make it bootable with unetbootin, but i
> > had
> > no success.
> > 
> >  Do you have any ideas?
> ha! right, i always forget that the wetab bios wants some magic in front of
> isos to boot them (since i have an exopc that is almost identic but has a
> real bios)
> I modified that iso, now it should work.
> as documented on the kickstarts readme, you can also correct your own iso
> with the command as root (with all the care a dangerous command like that
> implies)
> printf "\x9d\x2a\x44\x7b"|dd of=plasma-active-i586-stable-2013-12-10.iso
> conv=notrunc bs=1 count=4 seek=440
> Cheers,
> Marco Martin
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The new iso works on my weTab. Thanx.

Wolfgang Romey

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