Title: Message
I second what Marc says...
I would seriously look at the consulting services of the tools vendors who make the migration tools.  I would also make sure that your stress to the vendor to make the solution fit the organizational requirements not their best practice. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Zukerman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Dual Administration of partially migrated NT 4 domains

That is a bit broad to answer in a post. This is why consulting companies are in business. They are there to aid companies through the really complex migrations. You can check out Microsoft's site for a number of case studies:
They may answer some of your questions, although they tend to get "salesy".
The biggest advise I can give you right now is to clean up your current domains. Lose the dead weight: accounts, groups, mailboxes, etc. It will make your life significantly easier later. Also, solve namespace issues early. Same with naming conventions on objects. Set your requirements first and then design to your requirements.
If it looks to be too big a job, look for a partner. Find a consulting company that has done the work before in a similar vertical with similar issues to your company.
Good luck,
Marc Zukerman
Senior Network Engineer
Greenwich Technology Partners
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 2:04 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] Dual Administration of partially migrated NT 4 domains

We are in the process of planning our migration to ADS from 90 NT 4 domains that are used for authentication within the company into a single forest with one domain.  Some of these NT domains contain upwards of 3K to 4K user accounts and untold number of groups that will need to be migrated over a period of time.  A concern that we have is with the level of complexity and administrative overhead that our support organizations will experience in managing partially migrated domains, especially groups which are in some instances managed actively by the hour, over a period of time that can extend up to six or eight weeks. 

Your assistance is appreciated in directing me to any best practices that address this issue or any personal experiences that you've had with this situation.


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