Title: Message
We had the same situation - we elected to just have the dns name and the NetBIOS name of the domain be different (i.e., NetBIOS name was xxx_yyy, DNS name of the domain is zzz.company.com).  Have had no problems with having the two different names for the same domain, and we've been in production since December of 2000.  I know there's been discussion on this list about this topic before - I have not yet heard of a scenario where this causes problems, but I suppose one exists someplace :(  If so, I'd love to hear about it.
Users will see the 'old' name in the drop-down box when they log in to the domain, and can continue to use it wherever they need to specify the domain (like xxx_yyy\username in the NET USE command, etc.).  When you use AD tools like ADU&C, you'll deal with the 'new' DNS name.
-----Original Message-----
From: Louise Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 8:43 AM
Subject: [ActiveDir] NETBIOS names with underscores

Hi guys,
I need to upgrade our domain from NT4.0.  Or domain is called RES_DOM1.  Will the underscore be compatible with ADS, i.e will NetBios be okay.  I'm going to have the DNS names space to something like res.local.  What do you think?
Thanks in advance

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