Title: Message

I know that "echo %LOGONSERVER%" from the command prompt will give you the DC that you used but the only way I know how to force the use of a particular DC is to put garbage information for the DC you do not want to use in the Hosts/LMHosts file on the client.

The machine will then be unable to contact that DC and go to the one you want but this may not help with timing issues as there may well be a timeout factor that may skew your result.


Hope this helps though,



-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Felker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
13 August 2003 15:16
Subject: [ActiveDir] Choosing between Domain Controllers


Hi all,


We're running two domain controllers on the same domain.


My questions are

                                                                                                                                       i.      what command can you run to see which one your client pc is using

                                                                                                                                     ii.      how can you  change which DC your pc client is using


Reason being, I think one of them is slow, and would rather use the other one to test this theory.




Kevin Felker

Univ of MS

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