Title: Message
Enforcing some policies like a Screen Saver on our PC's was a good idea, except some of our people needs to look at some movies etc (mostly at home). So I disabled the Allow Screen saver policy....but this doesn't seem to work, a screen saver always pups up, and we have Media player on XP Pro and WIN2000 SP4...
So if I'm right about this setting then we should disable it to override the screen saver, or am I completely wrong about this one?
To make sure I copied the explanation
Allow Screen Saver
Enables a screen saver to interrupt playback.
This policy displays a screen saver during playback of digital media according to the options selected on the Screen Saver tab in the Display Properties dialog box in Control Panel. The Allow screen saver during playback check box on the Player tab in the Player is selected and is not available.
When this policy is disabled, a screen saver does not interrupt playback even if users have selected a screen saver. The Allow screen saver during playback check box is cleared and is not available.
When this policy is not configured, users can change the setting for the Allow screen saver during playback check box.


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