I'm up for that. I have to admit, I have never seen proper server
documentation so I have no idea whats in it, but I would be happy to pop
over to sourceforge and signup, I can even host and register a domain
for it using the kit here (G2Blue, top class SEO work, quick plug)

If someone has 'proper' server documentation, would they be willing to
tell us what areas (obviously not the actual content for their server)
it covers and perhaps we can work our way through them writing scripts
as we go, or collating utils/instructions where scripts wont do.

Anyone else interested ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Kingslan, Rick T. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 October 2003 13:24
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] documenting servers


I don't currently know of the kit, nor do I have a solution - and would
lend my support to coming up with a reasonably priced solution for such.

I'd love to sit down and write such a script / series of scripts, but
don't have the time because I'm too busy doing the manual work that good
documentation would help to alleviate.  A sad 'chicken and the egg'

I suspect if we don't find a good free system, that this group could
make a good contribution to IT at-large by taking this on as a challenge
and a collaborative effort.  Heck, get a section at SourceForge and
start writing....

'Cash strapped IT monkeys'.....  LOL!  You slay me!

Rick Kingslan  MCSE, MCSA, MCT
Microsoft MVP - Active Directory
LAN Administration - Windows 2000
West Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Oliver Marshall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 4:24 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] documenting servers

For us poor peeps at the bottom end of the scale, is there any way of
achieving a similar result using scripts etc ? Sort of like a
roll-your-own server documenting kit ? 

I did hear tell of a public (kinda opensource) project to create a wedge
of scripts and various tools that could be used together to create a
documentation kit (think it was refered to as a cookbook) which would do

Anyone else here of this? Anyone else know of some scripts that skint,
cash strapped IT monkeys like me could use to do something similar ?



-----Original Message-----
From: Mulnick, Al [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 21 October 2003 18:28
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] documenting servers

Hopefully I can learn somethinge new here.  What feature documents the
host that erdisk also does for 2000 platform?  You're not referring to
ASR are you?


From: Myrick, Todd (NIH/CIT) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 7:01 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] documenting servers

I think this is a new feature of Windows XP, and Windows 2003 server
backup and recovery operations.  Chris Wolf's new book on
Troubleshooting Microsoft Technologies covers this topic pretty
completely.  For Windows 2000 and earlier you would do well to look at
Aelita's ERDISK product, and INTRUST for backup up remote registries,
and documenting your environment.  Also ERDISK for AD is a must for AD
DR.  For bare metal restore operations, Veritas and ComValt offer
Intelligent DR add-ons for Windows 2000 and NT4 DR.
I link to Chris's book is on my blog.
Todd Myrick
Become ADOG now!

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Creamer, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 1:36 PM
        Subject: [ActiveDir] documenting servers

        Has anyone seen software or maybe some scripts that make it easy
to document a new server for disaster recovery purposes? (interested
primarily in this for my AD and back-end services servers, but others as
well). Thanks!


        Mark Creamer 
        Systems Engineer 
        Cintas Corporation 
        Honesty and Integrity in Everything We Do 


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