I just spent the morning looking around at resources and doing some things
to lock down a new W2K TS. This box is a member server in a W3K domain, and
is hosting an app that end users hit. We needed to make it so that was the
only thing they could do on the box, but we still needed admin access. So
here's what I did. I'm looking for any gotchas on this before it swings into
New OU, termservers.
2 GPs for that OU. 1 is a lockdown, strips everything except that app. 2 is
an Admin access, which disables everything in the lockdown for those times
that we need to do something to the box.
Set Admin GP at top w/no override, lockdown second. Appropriate rights
Seems to work pretty well. Any glaring issues?
Found a couple of interesting nasties while trying to lockdown the box,
though. Why the heck is it SO difficult to prevent IE from running? We don't
want a browser to open on this box for users at all. Couldn't find any way
to lock it down within the policy, and didn't want to get involved with IEAK
at this point. So, I put it on the list of apps that you can't run. Also
added the one app we want to the list of apps you can run. (along with all
the other lockdown tweaks in the policy) That should do it, right? Wrong. 
Picture this. Locked down desktop, with a log off command and one icon for
the app we want to run. Can't do much, except hit F1. Hit F1, up comes a
help box. On the top bar is "Web Help". Click on that, a browser opens.
Nice. Let's you do anything at that point. Even though it's on the
prohibited list, it still runs. OK, lock down NTFS on iexplore.exe. Removed
users, etc., left admins, system. Still the same problem. Cute. IE runs in
the system context when launched from help. Removed perms for system account
and that finally did it. Nasty. Not exactly the context I want a web browser
running from...

Charlie Kaiser
Systems Engineer
Essex Credit / Brickwalk
510 985 0975 x5083
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