Title: Message
Hello -- Happy Holidays!
Windows 2000 server  / Windows XP pro clients
Active Directory
3 Domain Controllers, all on same subnet.   All in same room!
We have in group policy that our folks have to change password every 90 days.   SOMETIMES  (not all the time) when somebody gets the "your password will expire in xx days, do you want to change it?"   and they change their password, the next time the log in (using new password) they get the same "your password will expire..." message.
First couple of times I figured it was "pilot error", but I have actually watched somebody change their password, log out, log back in with new password and get that message again!
Any good ideas on how to solve this?    I'm heading over to MicroSnot.com to search knowledge base, but you guys sometimes have quicker and better answers!
Tom Gray, Network Engineer
All Kinds of Minds & The Center for Development and Learning
University of North Carolina
(919) 960-8888

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