Hey all,

I'm trying to walk my first steps in .NET Visual Basic and I want to
create a Web App to provide our people an interface to run some common
tasks (since they won't follow procedures....)

Is there someone who could help me with a simple sample app in ASP.NET
that queries the AD and returns the list of users in a dropdownbox? More
I don't need, the rest I do it myself

I wrote some code, but running it from my WS returns me an error teeling
me hey cannot contact the domain...whenever it hits the for next
loop...My security is OK, I followed Q329986...I choose for methode 1
and changed the username for anonymous acces to a domain user

This is the code I used


        Dim entry As New
        Dim mySearcher As New
        Dim result As System.DirectoryServices.SearchResult
        Dim oValue As New ArrayList
        For Each result In mySearcher.FindAll()
en(result.GetDirectoryEntry().Name) - 3))

        User1.DataSource = oValue
        User1.Visible = True


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