Yeah, but have you seen this one???

"A critical update is available to remove unacceptable symbols from the
Bookshelf Symbol 7 font"

Exactly what symbol slipped by and made it into the final release??? Gonna
have to check that out..

Roger D. Seielstad - MTS MCSE MS-MVP
Sr. Systems Administrator
Inovis Inc.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: joe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 11:47 PM
> Subject: [ActiveDir] MS04-006 - Serious hole that needs 
> patching - think Blaster++
> You guys have probably all seen this, but just in case....
> This thing has greater potential than Blaster due to the fact 
> that there are
> more vectors for it to come in through... 
> Pulled from the Full Disclosure ListServ....
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Marc Maiffret
> Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 1:31 PM
> Subject: [Full-Disclosure] EEYE: Microsoft ASN.1 Library Bit 
> String Heap
> Corruption
> Microsoft ASN.1 Library Bit String Heap Corruption
> Release Date:
> February 10, 2004
> Date Reported:
> September 25, 2003
> Severity:
> High (Remote Code Execution)
> Systems Affected:
> Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
> Microsoft Windows 2000
> Microsoft Windows XP
> Microsoft Windows Server 2003
> Description:
> eEye Digital Security has discovered a second critical 
> vulnerability in
> Microsoft's ASN.1 library (MSASN1.DLL) that allows an 
> attacker to overwrite
> heap memory with data he or she controls and cause the execution of
> arbitrary code.  ASN.1 is an industry standard used in a 
> variety of binary
> protocols, and as a result, this flaw in Microsoft's 
> implementation can be
> reached through a number of Windows applications and 
> services.  Ironically,
> the security-related functionality in Windows is especially adept at
> rendering a machine vulnerable to this attack, including 
> Kerberos (UDP/88)
> and NTLMv2 authentication (TCP/135, 139, 445).
> Technical Description:
> Thanks to another pair of integer overflows, software that uses MSASN1
> directly or indirectly is again vulnerable to a complete 
> overwrite of a
> large portion of its heap memory.  This time, the attack is 
> specific to bit
> string values (tags 03h and 23h), but the outcome is the same 
> as with the
> heap corruption involving large data lengths.
> To recap, ASN.1 BER encoding is a representation for binary data that
> encapsulates pieces of that data into a hierarchy of typed 
> values, analogous
> to "binary XML."  If a value consists of other values, then 
> it is considered
> constructed (or compound); if it contains only raw data, then 
> the value is
> described as simple.  The format of a BER-encoded value is a 
> tag number that
> gives the type and attributes of the value, and then the 
> length of the value
> data, followed by the data itself.  If bit 5 (20h) of the tag 
> byte is set,
> this indicates that the value is constructed, and MSASN1 will 
> decode the
> following data as its own BER-encoded block.
> In the case of a bit string, the first byte of data is the 
> number of bits
> (from 0 to 7) to exclude from the end of the bit string value 
> data, since
> the data is naturally given in bytes.  The remaining bytes, 
> then, contain
> the (8 * (value_length - 1) - number_of_unused_bits) bits 
> that compose the
> bit string.
> As the reader might guess, there's an interesting integer 
> overflow here when
> a bit string is given a length of one byte (only the "number 
> of unused bits"
> field, with no data bits following), and a non-zero number of 
> unused bits.
> (We consider this an integer overflow, rather than a signedness issue,
> because the number of bits is always treated as a strictly 
> unsigned value.)
> ASN1BERDecBitString() and
> ASN1BERDecBitString2() will both report that the length in 
> bits of such a
> bit string is (0 - number_of_unused_bits), a number that can 
> fall in the
> range 0xFFFFFFF9 (-7) to 0xFFFFFFFF (-1), although neither 
> will attempt to
> copy an amount of data based on this count.  The former function will
> attempt to copy the length of the original data minus one 
> byte -- in this
> case, zero -- and doesn't hurt anything.  The latter just 
> returns a pointer
> into the original BER-encoded block and the length in bits of 
> the data, and
> is also harmless.
> While it's possible that some client application somewhere 
> might misuse this
> number of bits and create an exploitable condition, it 
> doesn't really matter
> because there's another integer overflow in MSASN1 that 
> definitely will.
> ASN1BERDecBitString() has a special way of handling 
> constructed bit strings
> (tag 23h), in that it concatenates each of the simple bit 
> strings that the
> compound one comprises.  By supplying a valid constructed bit 
> string that
> contains a single, simple bit string with length 1 and 7 
> unused bits, a
> second integer overflow occurs while adding the number of 
> bits in the bit
> string to the cumulative total.
> The following code from BERDecBitString() performs the vulnerable
> arithmetic:
> 76195338  mov     eax, [ebp-18h]        ; = length of simple 
> bit string
> 7619533B  cmp     eax, ebx              ; (EBX = 0)
> 7619533D  jz      short 7619539A        ; skip this bit 
> string if empty
> 7619533F  cmp     [ebp+14h], ebx        ; = no-copy flag
> 76195342  jnz     short 761953AF        ; don't concatenate if no-copy
> 76195344  mov     ecx, [esi]            ; = count of accumulated bits
> 76195346  lea     eax, [ecx+eax+7]      ; *** INTEGER OVERFLOW ***
> 7619534A  shr     eax, 3                ; div by 8 to get 
> size in bytes
> 7619534D  push    eax
> 7619534E  push    dword ptr [esi+4]
> 76195351  push    dword ptr [ebp-4]
> 76195354  call    DecMemReAlloc         ; allocates a zero-byte block
> If the first simple bit string encountered has a length of 0xFFFFFFF9
> (-7) bits, then the arithmetic at 0x76195346 will add the 
> total number of
> accumulated bits (0), the length of the bit string being 
> concatenated (-7),
> and then an additional 7 for the purpose of rounding up, to 
> arrive at a
> total length of zero.  This sum is passed to DecMemReAlloc() 
> to allocate a
> zero-length heap block, but then the bit strings' original 
> lengths in [ESI]
> and [EBP-18h] are passed on to a function named
> ASN1bitcpy() (not shown here), which in this case performs a typical
> memcpy() and overwrites a whole bunch of heap memory as a result.
> To demonstrate this vulnerability, all that's necessary is a 
> constructed bit
> string with length 3, then a simple bit string with length 1 
> and an unused
> bits field set to 7, all of which BER-encodes to the following
> bytes:
> 23h/03h         ; constructed bit string (tag bit 5 = 1), length = 3
> 03h/01h/07h     ; simple bit string, length = 1, 7 unused 
> bits, no data
> Normal Kerberos packets already have bit strings available, 
> but to get LSASS
> to accept a bit string within SPNEGO, it takes just a bit of 
> crafting.  If
> we provide a NegTokenInit token (tag A0h) containing a 
> ContextFlags value
> (tag A1h), then we can pass a bit string that does get 
> decoded using the
> vulnerable function.  (See RFC 2478 Section 3.2.1 for more 
> details.)  This
> leaves us with the byte sequence below:
> A0h/09h         ; NegotiationToken: negTokenInit, length = 9
> 30h/07h         ; sequence, length = 7
> A1h/05h         ; reqFlags (ContextFlags), length = 5
> 23h/03h         ; constructed bit string, length = 3
> 03h/01h/07h     ; simple bit string, length = 1, 7 unused 
> bits, no data
> Note: Due to the technical nature of the vulnerability 
> described above, this
> advisory may contain disassembly and/or hexadecimal byte codes.
> This information is in no way related to "exploit code", 
> "payloads", or
> "shell code".
> Protection:
> Retina Network Security Scanner has been updated to identify this
> vulnerability:
> Vendor Status:
> Microsoft has released a patch for this vulnerability. The patch is
> available at:
> Credit:
> Discovery: Derek Soeder
> More Additional Research: Yuji Ukai (this guy rocks!)
> Greetings:
> Dah and Murr; 14540253; fuzen; recurring thoughts, flashback 
> humor, deja-vu,
> and all the other sensations that go along with releasing Windows
> advisories; people who read long advisories
> Copyright (c) 1998-2004 eEye Digital Security Permission is 
> hereby granted
> for the redistribution of this alert electronically. It is 
> not to be edited
> in any way without express consent of eEye. If you wish to 
> reprint the whole
> or any part of this alert in any other medium excluding 
> electronic medium,
> please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for permission.
> Disclaimer
> The information within this paper may change without notice. 
> Use of this
> information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS 
> condition. There are
> NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event 
> shall the author
> be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in 
> connection with
> the use or spread of this information. Any use of this 
> information is at the
> user's own risk.
> Feedback
> Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to:
> eEye Digital Security
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