Title: Message
The i, j business in Fortran is because those variables default to being integers (as, I think, do k,l,m,n) - loops need integer variables so you always used the first available integer variables for your loop counters.

From: joe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 February 2004 15:54
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Scripting terminology question

i is used for a variety of reasons that go back even before hungarian. It can stand for index for instance which is one of the reasons you see it as common useage in loops. FORTRAN made big use of i/j/ij. You will often see a double loop construct (loop within a loop) with the outer loop of i and the inner of j. This is a common two dimensional array iteration. i and j are also very common for RTL iterators in c++ code as well now.

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