First take a look at this:
Like they say, there are many ways to skin a cat (apologies to all animal lovers :)).
Starting with one DC.
Add a BDC, make sure this machine is a good one because we will eventually make it "The DC".
For redundancy/fall-back/ooops, install a second BDC and take that offline.
Now Promote the First BDC to PDC. The Original PDC will automagically become a BDC.
If no "special" reason for you to change the Domain Name, then just upgrade the new PDC to Win2K3.
Don't mess with the "Functional Domain Level" stuff.
Test mail flow and every service and be sure all OK.
Get a new server that will host your Exchange. Don't try to cheat. It's not a "good idea" to put Exchange on your DC, even though you can legally and technically do it.
Install W2K3 and E2K3 on this server, making sure that you install it into the Original Exchange Org
Test sending mail from this server to some test internal and external addresses.
If all OK, then use Active Directory Users and Computers to move the mailboxes (using the "Exchange Tasks" wizard) from the 5.5 to the 2003
After moving the mailboxes, you will need to move more stuffs. See;en-us;307917
and this
I have probably overlooked a thing or 2, but the general idea here should get you started in the right direction.

Dèjì Akómöláfé, MCSE MCSA MCP+I
Microsoft MVP - Active Directory
Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you were worried about Yesterday?  -anon

From: Network Administrator
Sent: Mon 2/23/2004 7:41 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] Exchange Migration with Domain

It's happy newb question time!  This might be better oriented toward an
Exchange list, but since it's regarding a domain migration, I thought I'd
try here first.

My employer recently acquired a small firm with a horribly maintained NT4
domain.  It consists of a single (!) domain controller running all network
services, SQL 7, Exchange 5.5, and a myriad of third party software.
Suffice it to say it's in real bad shape and their entire network is a
ticking time bomb.

Anyway, I'm looking into rolling out two new 2003 domain controllers and
using ADMT to migrate from the NT4 domain to a new 2003 AD.  I'm wondering
if it would be possible to keep the Exchange 5.5 server in place for the
moment once I've rolled out the new domain.

I'd like to leave a couple weeks leeway to `fix the quirks' with the domain
migration before migrating the mail server to Exchange 2003, but at this
point I'm not entirely certain that will be possible.

My understanding is that you can't `decommission' an NT4 PDC per se, but
that you must simply `pull the plug' on the last domain controller.  Is that
true?  The network migration will be difficult enough without having to
worry about migrating the SQL server and Exchange server at the same time.
I'll have enough things to track down as it is!

So, if you folks could set me straight, I'd greatly appreciate it.  Thanks!

-James R. Rogers

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