>>Will there be any problems in demoting all but dc01?
I am inferring from this that you are on a Win2K domain :). I would say leaving ONLY dc01 is not a "good thing" for Single Point of Failure reasons. However, you can "do it", although I recommend that you leave 2 DCs. To answer your question directly, unless DC01 has all the FSMO roles AND is a Global Catalog, yes there could be tons of troubles. The saving grace is that IF you properly demote the rest of the DCs, the roles will eventually get dumped on the last standing DC (dc01 in your case). Just to be sure that this is the case, though, you want to read http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;255690 and be sure that you manually transfer the roles to dc01 before you start your demotion exercise.
As for the GC, you want to be sure that the last standing DC(s) is (are) Global Catalog(s), otherwise things WILL break.

Dèjì Akómöláfé, MCSE MCSA MCP+I
Microsoft MVP - Active Directory
Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you were worried about Yesterday?  -anon

From: Michael McCann
Sent: Tue 2/24/2004 7:21 AM
Subject: [ActiveDir] Removing AD from Exchange Server +

Hey guys, been reading the list for a while now and have to first say thanks.. There's a tonne of info provided here..


I have a few DC's at my primary site that I want to demote.. here's an output of an nltest on my site:


C:\> nltest /server:dc01 /dclist:xxx

Get list of DCs in domain 'xxx' from '\\BACKUP01'.

        vfc1.xxx.yyy           [DS] Site: Default-First-Site-Name

       dc01.xxx.yyy [PDC] [DS] Site: Default-First-Site-Name

backup01.xxx.yyy           [DS] Site: Default-First-Site-Name

   MAIL01.xxx.yyy           [DS] Site: Default-First-Site-Name

The command completed successfully


vfc1 is about to be decommissioned, backup01 used to be the PDC at one point in time (before I started), MAIL01 is our exchange server..


Will there be any problems in demoting all but dc01?


(Please bear with me, I am a programmer that has to wear the network support hat every once and a while)



Thanks in advance,



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