Title: Message

Calling any and all Delegation experts!


We have 2003 DC's and OU's setup for each of our sites and have delegated out certain admin function to the local MID staff. Ex. Create/Delete Users and Computers. They have full rights over the User object within their OU but when they click on the Dial-In Tab they are getting access denied. "Could not load the Dial-in profile for this user because: Access is denied"


I tried granting the following but it did not work:


RAS - Modify RAS permissions (Native Mode)


Object Class: User


MsNPAllowDialin (Read, Write)

MsNPCallingStationID (Read, Write)

MsNPSavedCallingStationID (Read, Write)

MsRADIUSCallbackNumber (Read, Write)

MsRADIUSFramedIPAddress (Read, Write)

MsRADIUSFramedRoute (Read, Write)

MsRADIUSServiceType (Read, Write)

MsRSSSavedCallbackNumber (Read, Write)

MsRSSSavedFramedIPAddress (Read, Write)

MsRASSavedFramedRoute (Read, Write)

User - Parameters (Read, Write)


Thanks in Advanced,


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