Title: Message
the point you're missing is that I'm not talking about groups being deleted and thus memberships being lost.  I'm talking about any object that could be a group member (e.g. users, contacts, computers and other groups) being deleted and this causing the lost memberships for the respective object.  And it only takes one object to delete a whole lot of critical users contained herein: one OU.  It's easy enough - mistakes can happen and do happen (via UI and CLI).  Believe me, I woulnd't be so deep into this subject if I hadn't gone through hell for one of my customers, getting them back on track after they accidentally delted a whole OU - it was a nightmare recovering all cross-domain links and for 3 days this had a big impact on their operations, fileshare access and especially on the messaging (E2K) wich is built around UGs all over the forest... 

From: Mulnick, Al [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Freitag, 5. März 2004 15:20
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Protecting Active Directory

I think I see what you're getting at.  I did read that whitepaper and it is interesting. 
What I'm trying to get at is that for the scenario of admin fat fingering a group, recreating the group membership is, IMHO preferred over the hassle of a restore.  Script, etc is fine for figuring out group membership enough to recreate it.  If the group itself gets whacked, that's when I see this type of solution adding value.  You bring up a good point that if the group encompasses the entire forest and membership gets hosed, that a restore may be the best way but there are things to be aware of. I don't think this is a worthwhile approach if it's only one group in most situations.  I think recreating it from a point in time (based on the reference information stored in a flat file, database, etc) would be a fine approach.  It's not until we get into multiple simultaneous mistakes that it would make sense to me to have a solution such as what you propose.  I'm considering this as a good idea for a large, multi-domain forest with decentralized administration when multiple mistakes are made.  I just can't see the time and effort of restoring a group for one mistake making sense.
Am I missing anything in the conversation here?  For some reason I feel like there is something I'm missing, but it's not obvious to me at this  point in time ;-)
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 5:51 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Protecting Active Directory

Al, I think it's appropriate to explain a little more, to avoid further confusion, as accidentally deleting + recoverying object and loosing group memberships are NOT separate problems (especially in multi-domain forests or even in Windows 2000 single-domain forests). The issues are indeed very much related to each other:
  • tracking membership of a group to be able to undo a change "in case one of it's members gets whacked" is generally a good idea, no matter if a user has been deleted or if simply an administrator made a mistake while editing group-memberships.  When tracked (e.g. via daily reports or dumps of the group-memberships - or by having a good group-concept where all owners "know" the members), the owner of a group should be able to get a group back to the state it should be.
  • however, when you delete an object (e.g. a user, computer, contact or a group itself), these objects naturally replicate as tombstones to other DCs and GCs in the forest. When this happens, the memberships of these objects in any group in the forest is "cleaned" automatically - not only in the same domain where the objects reside, but also in all of the other domains in the forest. I.e. the objects are also removed from Universal (UG) and Domain Local Groups (DLG) of any domain in the forest. 
    So what's the big deal?  Well, if you restore a DC from a system-state backup (on tape or file) and then authoritatively restore the objects in their domain or even if you restore the whole domain authoritatively (which not recommended anyways, unless you really have to), the objects will never "repopulate" into the UGs and DLGs of the other domains in the forest.
    Good to know: if you restore a GC, it will at least know of the UGs of the other domains incl. their memberships (as these are a still stored in the AD database file saved at the time of taking the system-state backup), which you could leverage to repopulate the UGs in the respective Domains.  However, if you've not previously dumped your DLGs in the other domains, how will you be able to recover their memberships? They are not stored on the GC you've recoverd, and they were "cleaned" when the tombstone was able to replicate to the other DCs/GCs in forest...  And don't forget, that depending on your group-modell, you could also have various nested groups which are nothing else but members of other groups - these nestings will also get lost if a group gets deleted.  More about these issues (and others) is described in the afforementioned whitepaper - incl. details on the differences between 2000 and 2003 rgd. the recovery challenge.

    Here are some ideas to master the recovery challenge and be on the safe side (besides relying on the group-owners to recover memberships themselves):
  • hot-site approach: as mentioned in another part of this thread, you could use DCs in a hot-site (we call it LAG-site, as it's replication will be set to "lag" behind the other DCs). These will hopefully not have replicated the tombstones at the time you notice the deletion of the objects - you could then first use the appropriate DCs the hot-site to perform the authoritative restore of the objects without requiring you to perform a system restore (still need to boot the DC in to DSRM mode). And secondly, you could analyse the groups on the other DCs in the hotsite and then re-popluate the groups on a DC outside of the hotsite. Best to script these restore activities...  The biggest challenge with this approach: you must hat one DC of EVERY domain in the forest in your hotsite, which is fine if you only have a few, but which can be nasty if you have many domains in your forest (should really consider using virtual hw solutions for this approach).
  • database appoach: basically, whith this approach, you would ensure that you save all the un-recoverable links (e.g. group-memberships, but also the manager/directReports or managedBy/managedObjects links which get "cleaned" just like the group memberships...) into a separate repository. This could be a flat file, AD/AM, MSDE or "full" SQL or whatever you preferr.  When scheduled with your normal backup cycle of your DCs, the stored data can ensure that you are able to "fix" the missing object-links (which is what the group-memberships and the other examples mentioned really are) by leveraging your "link-repository". Obviously, it would be good if you would include versioning into your link-storage, to be able to recover group-memberships an the other links as they were at a specific point in time. Using this approach will also allow you to easily visualize the memberships of any object in the forest, as you will have all the objectlinks accessible in the database (i.e. you can see which DLGs or UGs a user is a member of, no matter which domain the groups belong to). This is the approach we took and it's almost getting to a point of being finished (I've been promising the availability of this solution on the DEC conferences for a while now... - sorry for the major delay - you know how things go...;-)  The challenge here obviously lies in collecting and storing the links appropriately, so you have to have some smart mechanism especially for really large AD environments like our own.  But for forests with many domains, this may be more feasable than the hot-site approach. However, it can even be well combined with the hot-site approach, as you could leverage the hot-site DCs for your link-backups, and after a restore use the database to recover the links (instead of querying each of the hotsite DCs).
  • backup-tool approach:backup tools, which concentrate on online recovery of objects in AD (now supported in 2003 with the new API for tombstone reanimation) will also be very useful in performing the full recovery of objects, as they will have stored the object links (e.g. groups a user is a member of) withing their backup. However, only few tools really do the job of link-recovery really well, as most vendors don't care to query the "remote" domains for the memberships of objects in DLGs - they will be able to recover UGs, if the object's backup was taken from a GC, but the DLGs will be lost.  I only know of one tool, which is currently able to also fully recover the DLGs in any domain of the forest, when restoring objects in AD.  This isn't a place for advertising, but you may want to look at the aforementioned whitepaper ;-)
Realize, that whichever approach you take, restoring objects in an AD forest is not a domain-admin's task => it's the task of an enterprise admin, as only members of this group have the ability to recover the links outside of the domain that the restored objects belong to (unless you grant these permissions to other groups, which would then have similar permissions as an EA).

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mulnick, Al
Sent: Donnerstag, 4. März 2004 21:48
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Protecting Active Directory

I think there's two approaches here but correct me if I misunderstood to flow. 
One concept is to restore the actual object in case of accidental deletion, intentional deletion, corruption, etc.  The other is to track the membership in case one of it's members gets whacked.  That about what you're saying?
To me, these are two very important, but separate scenarios.  One solution already in place is a tracking mechanism that exports group information on a daily basis.  That's the custom version of what I have now, but it's nowhere near as efficient as a SQL/AD/AM solution would be in a multi-domain environment. It only allows us to put the group membership back, but has nothing to do with the group object itself.  If we lost that, we lost the sID etc that would make it useful outside of a restore.  In case of administrative error, we can look back at the reference (keep a week's worth for now) and put it back the way it should be without having to go to tape. 
If you're going to the trouble of creating this homegrown system wouldn't it make sense to make it part of the lifecycle management system?  There's certainly a market for that in the states with the current round of laws about data and process. 
Just a thought, but having a system that audits (for lack of a better term) user/group lifecycles and resource allocation would be an interesting thing to have. Kind of another tier in the management of the system (a meta-directory type solution or other?)

Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 2:54 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Protecting Active Directory

ha, I knew that would be your answer ;-))
and I can partly understand your strategy => the owner of the group should know what's in it, so if there is a problem with the memberships it's his and not yours.  But this is really only acceptable for a small issue, where you loose a couple of memberships - not when you use a couple of hundred of users incl. their memberships.
Sure losing a DLG membership has the same result in losing resource access than a GG does - however, DLGs in multi-forest environments are simply harder to recover the "native" way (i.e. be authoritatively restoring your accidentally deleted users from one domain), as that restored DC doesn't know of the DLG memberships outside of it's own domain, which will then be lost for good (much easier to recover memberships ins GGs and UGs as the DC/GC will "know" of the memberships after the recovery). Your DLG memberships won't come back until re-added by your group-owners, who will be happy to manage re-adding hundreds of users into various groups via the UI they use... :-(
Obviously your impact will be less than for other companies, as you have a really cool group-structure however .But no matter how careful you are, Murphy is watching you. And things will happen. And you have to be prepared...
The AD/AM idea isn't bad, but I'm just implementing the same based on SQL and it's almost done - a nice tool that gives you exactly what you're describing. And will help to recover those lost group-memberhips and it will allow you to see which group your users or other objects are in within the forest - in any domain. Stay tuned. However, it will still require a normal authoritative restore of the actual objects that were deleted - thus it's not as powerful as some of the online-recovery methods available out there. So I encurage anyone responsible for back-up of their AD also to look at these tools.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Donnerstag, 4. März 2004 16:18
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Protecting Active Directory

Using the DLG's doesn't kill us any more than if we used GG's. Same loss of resource access.
As for the accidents, the guys with the big guns don't use the GUI for most anything, they use very targeted scripts that do very specific things. We don't, for instance have any mass delete anything scripts. All one off delete.
The groups are supposed to have well known membership to the admins running them, they are supposed to be auditing the groups on a very regular basis as to who should be in them. So loss of a group should simply be recreate the group, reassign to the proper ACE in the proper file structure (we don't do one group secures a zillion different things or at least heavily discourage it), readd the correct people.
I do have some ideas floating in the back of my mind about pulling all groups, computers, users off into a single AD/AM instance so we can track things there. Don't sync the deletes other than marking a field in AD/AM when the delete or occurred. This is more for being able to do quick checks for things in the directory (everything would be tuple indexed) but could also help if someone smoked a group that they shouldn't have as we would have the last known membership for sure. I would also like to get some form of change log management in there as well but that project is way pie in the sky at the moment. Trying to get K3 deployed at the moment and the final pieces of E2K deployed.
http://www.joeware.net   (download joeware)

Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 2:36 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Protecting Active Directory

actually, you need to consider this issue more than others Joe, as you're building all group-memberships on Domain Local Groups (in a multi-domain environment) which will kill you, if you do accidentally delete the wrong objects. Obviously you could still restore all domains - but that's pretty nasty.
And accidents don't only happen to lower privileged admins - it could be one of you three...

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Mittwoch, 3. März 2004 16:40
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Protecting Active Directory

Yes, excellent point. We haven't started worrying about that granularity yet. If something is deleted, we figured the person with the power to delete it intended it. Have a nice day. There are only three people who can really do any huge mass deletes across the board and we all sit within smacking distance of each other so we are careful as we have sensitive ears and don't want to be cuffed. I do think we need some sort of solution for this eventually though. But it is more to reduce nuisance factor for silly OU admins than anything else.
Right now mostly still just worrying about the old South East Michigan was swallowed by a volcano that came out of nowhere... How do we make sure we can recover.
http://www.joeware.net   (download joeware)

Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 3:01 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Protecting Active Directory

will only be good for restoring the DC hardware, but depending on your setup won't be sufficient to fully recover accidentally deleted objects.
I've worked with Aelita on this whitepaper to discuss the potential issues:

From: joe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mittwoch, 3. März 2004 02:11
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Protecting Active Directory

1. Multiple DCs in diseparate locations.
2. Virtual DC for each domain that is shut down nightly and the disk file for each is copied to some other location.
http://www.joeware.net   (download joeware)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Philadelphia, Lynden - Revios Toronto
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 3:49 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] Protecting Active Directory
Importance: High

What is the best way to backup your domain controller so you can restore it in a disaster situation.

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