Joe the account doesn’t exist in the child domain, and I haven’t found a reference to it in any domains.


The GC entry point to NTDS://IC.NIH.GOV/Users/<User Name> when I use the AD Search command.  So the entry in the GC’s thinks the account is located in the child domain where there is no account for that user any longer.


Any idea how to scrub the GC’s, I have tried using LDP like the Q articles say, but it seems once a GC thinks a entry is in a specific location, it really has a hard time wanting to get rid of it.




From: joe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 9:04 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Orphaned GC Entry... How do I clean it up?


Todd are you absolutely positive it doesn't exist in AD or maybe it simply isn't in the location you are expecting? The -1 issue is as Al indicated an ADC match issue. It sees something on the AD side and can't match it to the 5.5 side so it creates an object in 5.5. Then depending on how your ADC is configured it can pop something back on the AD side. Usually the ADC is configured to be able to create objects in certain OU's/containers that may be different from where you are used to looking.


I would also check multiple DCs in that child domain for the object. Most likely I would test every DC. Here is a little perl script that makes that fairly easy...





@output=`nltest /dclist:$domain 2>&1`;


chomp @tmp;


print "\nALLDC V01.00.00pl Joe Richards ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) November 2001\n\n";
if (!$domain or !$command)
  print "USAGE: ALLDC domain command\n\n";
print "Domain: $domain\n";
print "Command: $command\n";
foreach $this (sort @tmp)
  print "  $this...\n";
  print "[$tmpcmd]\n";
  @output=`$tmpcmd 2>&1`;
  print "@output\n";
  print "x"x80,"\n\n";



print "\n";
print "Total Domain Controllers: $cnttot\n";


Note that this is a very quick and dirty script, just intended to give some quick functionality to do something against all DCs in a domain....


anyway I would do something like



alldc "adfind -h <server> -default -f name=idname -dn"



If you need to put quotes in the command you want to run against every server then do it something like


alldc "adfind -h <server> -default -f \"name=idname\" -dn"






From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Myrick, Todd (NIH/CIT)
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 7:37 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Orphaned GC Entry... How do I clean it up?

I tried what is described in the KB 314282 article, but only tried it on port 389 like the instructions said.


The problem I have is that the object and GUID no longer exist at all in the original child domain.  So I am wondering since it is all the GC’s that have the lingering read-only object, should I run the clean-up process using LDP and the RemoveLingeringObjects option on the GC’s on port 3268?  I tried doing on port 389, and it didn’t work.


I will defiantly post my results once I figure out how to do this.




From: Coleman, Hunter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:38 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Orphaned GC Entry... How do I clean it up?




Not sure if this will work for you or not:;en-us;314282


There was a similar thread back in January or so; this is the tail end[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg13088.html and you can do alternate searches to get the full discussion. Good luck...




From: Myrick, Todd (NIH/CIT) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 2:12 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Orphaned GC Entry... How do I clean it up?

There appears to be two entries for User in the AD Global Catalogues.  The one account appears to have been ADC'ed & unADC'ed "Doe, John (XYZ)" at some point, the other account appears to have been ADC'ed, but then deleted (Never un ADC'ed) "Doe, John (XYZCORP)-1".  Both accounts appear in our Domain's GC, and All the Child domain GC's except the Child domain where the account originated.  The "Doe, John (XYZ)" exist in their GC, but not the "Doe, John (XYZCORP)-1".  Both accounts were homed in the child domain, just one got deleted, the other didn't.


We are now trying to ADC a mailbox in the parent domain, to a different account all together.  The ADC process is failing because it seems to still think the mailbox we are ADCing is linked to  "Doe, John (XYZCORP)-1".


This account no longer exist in the child domain, and we don't know how to unADC and account that doesn't exist.


Any help would be appreciated




From: Mulnick, Al [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 3:54 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Orphaned GC Entry... How do I clean it up?


Can you redescribe that for us?  It sounds like you have a GC that wasn't supposed to be there, but I'm not sure I follow completely.




From: Myrick, Todd (NIH/CIT) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 3:09 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] Orphaned GC Entry... How do I clean it up?

Greetings all, we are seeing an entry appear in our GC's that is not in the original location.  It appears after it was deleted, it did not replicate out the deleted item, and now us causing ADC issues.;en-us;293474


The recommended MS way seems a little excessive.  Does anyone have a better way of getting ahold of the entry and getting it out of the directory?





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