Title: Message
In addition to setting up Spybot to run nightly, I recommend installing Spywareblaster (freeware):
It's not a scanner, it's more of a vaccine tool. It will help to harden IE against spyware exploits, but like everything else it's not 100% effective. In addition to that I also prevent users from installing any software at all. I used to have a loose policy on that, but after installations of AIM, Webshots and WeatherBug (all programs that do "drive-by" installs of spyware) locking the systems down like that was the only way to be sure.
And if you haven't upgraded to version 1.3 of Spybot, then do so right away. You'll be able to download the latest spyware definitions and you have the ability to run spybot in resident mode. In addition to that they included TeaTimer in the install, which notifies you of programs trying to change information in the registry.

From: Caple, Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 5:21 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] SpyWare

Good morning everyone!!!
We have a couple of terminal servers running Windows 2000 SP4 within a Citrix Metaframe XP FR3 enviro. over the past few days and number of spyware pop-ups have been appearing within users sessions.
Does anyone know of any good spyware software that would be safe to install on a server? I've download SpyBot and XoftSpy 3.44 but I wanted to check to see if anyone knows of anything else or if it's "safe" to install this programs.
Thanks for your help,

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