Use an enterprise AntiSpyware product like Pest Patrol (or an
alternative, now that they've been infected by the dreaded CA virus)

Cheap, Fast, Secure -- Pick Any TWO.

----- Original Message -----
From: Kern, Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 16:14:02 -0400
Subject: [ActiveDir] OT:spyware

Lately I my users have been plagued with spyware and adware. What do
you guys do to fight this?

Can Spybot be pushed out as an msi via a gpo? Or ad-aware?

Should I set the killbit on all the local active x controls?

Should I prevent active x and javascripting in IE thru a gpo?


I'm running win2k/xp clients, but mostly win2k.


Finally, when you get a worm or a virus that writes to the
hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run key, does the
worm/virus run under the user's security context?

Meaning, if the user is just a local user and thus has no privileges
to write to those keys, shouldn't the worm or virus not be able to as


Thanks and sorry for the deluge of questions, OT as they are.
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