You can.  You just have to deny them "list folder contents", and they can not see what's in the folder, that coupled with a denied read should take care of it.
Personally, I'd create new shares for Sales and Finance and map those straight to M:.  Then map your Management to M: for your respective groups.
David J. Perdue
Network Security Engineer, InDyne Inc 
Comm: (805) 606-4597    DSN: 276-4597

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Noah Eiger
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 08:00 AM
Subject: [ActiveDir] Hide Subfolders with NTFS Permissions

Hello all:


Management has requested a NTFS permissions structure that “hides” certain subfolders. Here’s what I want to do:


Folder  ->  NTFS Permission by Group

\Management (share)    -> Managers

    \ Legal -> (inherited)

    \ HR -> (inherited)

    \ Sales -> Managers and Sales

    \ Finance -> Managers and Bookkeepers


For people in the Managers group, \Management maps as M: and they see and have access to all subfolders.

For Sales folks, \Management maps as M: but they only see and have access to \management\sales

For Bookkeepers, \Management maps as M: but they only see and have access to \management\Finance


Is this possible? Or practical? Does this violate some “best practices”?




-- nme

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