I haven't used hte task scheduler recently (more a command line person), but, 
as I recall you can't specify an argument in the wizard. Just have to give it 
rundll32, and then go back in and manually edi thte task with your arguments. 
Also, try quoting the path to rundll32, and then outside the path put 
--Brian Desmond
Payton on the web! www.wpcp.org
v - 773.534.0034 x135
f - 773.534.8101


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Jason B
Sent: Mon 2/7/2005 3:25 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: [ActiveDir] Using GPO's to force a Lock Workstation in conjunction 
with task manager

Objective:  Use Group Policy to force workstations to lock after 60 minutes
of inactivity.

Well, I know that there's no way to easily do this by using a GPO.  Most
admins just use the GPO settings to enable a screensaver and password for
it, however, I really want to lock the workstation instead.  The only way I
can figure to do this is to create a scheduled task and then somehow assign
it using a GPO.  Now, I set up a shortcut that has the target as:

"C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation"

as all of our workstations have the same windows directory, I didn't need to
use %windir%, and all run Windows XP SP2.  After making that shortcut, and
saving it to a share that's accessable by all users (read-only), if I run it
from there, it will lock the workstation, just as if the user manually
locked it.  Now, the trick is getting it to run when the workstation is idle
for 60 minutes.  I set up a task in task scheduler to point to the shortcut
on the network share.  I then set the properties on that task to only start
if the computer has been idle for at least 60 minutes.  Now, if I manually
run that task on my workstation (I have admin rights), it works just fine.
Doing the same thing (setting up the task the exact same way) on a test
machine returns a "Could not start" in the task scheduler, but if I manually
run the shortcut from the network share, it locks the workstation as it
should.  Our users have restricted-user privs on the local workstation (we
don't give out Power User or Admin rights to them) - could this be a reason
for it not working, or am I just missing something obvious here?

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