Grumpy Nounet wrote:

I'm studying a compter network using active directory to authenticate the users.

I noticed that all the computers of the domain are listed in the directory, and I wonder if this has something to do with authentication.

I did not find it on the Internet, I hope someone will be able to help me here...

The computer accounts anables computer to authenticate against AD and to participate as a mamber in a domain. You have to remeber that in AD computer account is also security principal, which means that You can assign permissions to the computer account - to do thata it has to have an account in a domain.
To authenticate users against AD and process scripts and GPOs computer also has to be a member of a domain, thus it has to have an account (user is able to authenticate against AD and gain access to the domain resources even from the computer which is not a part of a domain when the user will supply correct domain credentials)

So You can say - yes, computer accounts have something to deal with authentication in AD

-- Tomasz Onyszko [MVP] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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