This is a shot in the dark but has anyone experienced (and solved) this before.
Forestprep was run quite sometime ago on a clean Windows 2003 AD environment.  In addition to this a couple of other schema extensions have been applied ( ILO and Novadigm extensions).
I am now in the process of installing Exchange 2003 after completing the setup and sync with ADC.
When I run the setup I receive the following error
Setup failed while installing sub component Microsoft Exchange Organization-Level Container chilren with error code 0xc1037ae6.
I have looked at the LDIF.err file and found it to be failing when trying to modify an object in the CN=Address-Templates container (within Exchange part of configuration container)  I have looked in here and found that there are no template objects.
I uninstalled Exchange (fully) and rerun forestprep but this still hasn't created them.  The account being used to install Exchange has Schema, Enterprise, Exchange delegation, local machine admin rights but I didn't think it really need all this once the forestprep had been run.
I have looked at article 870829 but unless I doing something wrong this doesn't appear to help (I did change the paths while the setup was halfway through (at the error) and tried a retry instead of cancel and rerunning the setup process as it takes an age to complete the installtion and then remove it to start again) 
Hope all this makes sense after all it is 2am

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