Title: OT: VERY STRANGE ISSUE - Windows 95 and Long File Names
Hello Jorge and Paul,
...but it happens on all Win95 clients ?
well, first of all, it may be wise to get rid of Win95, but I'm sure you've been through all of that ("no time and budget to do so right now", "it worked before, so why shouldn't it work now", "need to get this working now and will fix my OS issue later")...  Funny how companies sometimes spend thousands of dollars for fixing problems that wouldn't exist if they spend the same money to update their systems ;-)   As you know, I'm also currently supporting a Novell/AD migration with thousands of NT4 clients...
Back to your problem: I hope it's fair to assume, that you only have a limited amount of Win9x machines in the environment and most other clients are WinNT and above so that anything you're going to do to fix the Win95 issue now is of temporary nature - correct?
If that assumption is correct, I wouldn't really do any more work on this to solve the issue, as you already have it solved: just re-map the homeshare for the Win95 clients during the execution of the login script.  You shouldn't have an issue simply checking the OS env-variable and for all clients that are not equal to Windows_NT unmap and re-map the homeshare. Assuming you want to map a share that contains the logon-name of the user, it may be wise to pass the user's samaccount name as a parameter to the logon-script (as far as I recall, Win9x clients don't automatically get the username variable in their environment).

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul van Geldrop
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 8:42 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: VERY STRANGE ISSUE - Windows 95 and Long File Names



And to add those finest little details:


Same users, same documents on Windows 98.. no problem.


Open a document with a long file name in the corresponding application, and ‘save as’ under another long name.. no problem either.


Yeah, time for more beer..






-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jorge de Almeida Pinto
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 7:04 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: [ActiveDir] OT: VERY STRANGE ISSUE - Windows 95 and Long File Names



During our Novell/NT4 to W2K3 migration we are experiencing a very very strange issue that we until now have not been able to solve.

The situation is:
* Homedirectory data was stored on Novell en users had a H-mapping to it
* Homedirectory data has been migrated to Windows
* Netlogon loginscript has been implemented in NT4 domain (clients/users are still in NT4 domain) and each user in NT4 has it loginscript attribute with LOGON.BAT

* The Netlogon loginscript makes a H-mapping for a user to its homedirectory on the windows file server
* The Netlogon loginscript makes a other mappings for a user to other locations on the windows file server

The issue:
* Users can create documents with WORD on H (new document in word and save in H) with long file names
* Users can create documents with WORD on other drives (new document in word and save in H) with long file names
* Users can rename documents in Explorer on other drives with long file names (document with some LFN gets another LFN)

The problem:
* SOME Users (NOT ALL)  CANNOT rename documents in Explorer on H-mapping with long file names (document with some LFN gets another LFN is not possible!) It only accepts 8.3 names!!!

* If we change the H-mapping for the home directory to some other mapping (lets say T:) then the problem does not occur --> ?????

* If we in the command prompt type "NET USE H: /DELETE" and after that "NET USE H: /HOME" (delete the H-mapping and create it again) the problem does not occur --> ?????

WTF is this???!!! I have tried everything, at least I think I have, and it's making me nuts.
Has any of you guys experienced this or do any of you what this is and/or how to solve this?

The workaround we have until now is that we've sent those users a batch file that recreates the H-mapping, but I would like to solve this by making it work in the loginscript

I'm going to get a beer and play some darts
Hope you guys can help. Thanks in advance....  Have a nice weekend!


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