the problem is, that you may be receiving changes for all kinds of objects, but you might not know what you should look for ="" it's rather tough to find specific dangerous changes in the directory, if the change is neither obvious to see in the eventlog, nor changes the main objects you're monitoring, nor replicates in a fashion that would call your attention. Not adding details here, but it is possible as Deji mentioned (and I would trust that he'd get his evil mind past your "change notification system" ;-).
BTW, this is a great thread and I agree with most of the suggestions made and specifically with the main statement: you can't protect yourself from Domain Admins.  And you shouldn't need to => Gil's approach to "trust and verify" is the best to take; naturally, the tough part is the verification. Which gets back to: if you don't already have a *high* level of personal trust in a person, you wouldn't grant DA permissions in the first place. And I'll happily repeat to anyone: you have to take AD Delegation very serious (and as I didn't see the link in any other answer, I'll add the URL for Sanjay Tandon's excellent AD Delegation Whitepaper: )
I'm sure this year's DEC will again be a great forum to discuss other tips and tricks to secure an AD environment...

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Isenhour, Joseph
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 9:21 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Problem: Limit Domain Admins and Administrators

How would you get around AD telling me that something changed?  You can modify a group; however, if I register to recieve changes for that object, there's nothing an admin can do to prevent that is there?

Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 10:56 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Problem: Limit Domain Admins and Administrators

>>> Of course if the admins are smart enough they will simply modify your script :) 


IF they are smart enough, they will NOT touch your script. They will write a new one, or none at all. I am not really smart, but you can’t lock me out of your domain IF you make me a Domain Admin. And, I can do things you can’t track.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Isenhour, Joseph
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 10:21 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Problem: Limit Domain Admins and Administrators


If you want to lock down a group and add auditing you can take the Restricted Group approach.  Programatically control the members of your admin groups.  You can use just about any scripting language to do this and if you go the script route you can add things like logging and email alerts.


Of course if the admins are smart enough they will simply modify your script :)  So you'll have to come up with a way to lock down the script.  This solution does not get around the fact that the admin can still add someone to the group; however, the membership will be short lived and you will be notified if they do modify the group.


-Joe Isenhour


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gil Kirkpatrick
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 9:31 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Problem: Limit Domain Admins and Administrators

Who monitor's the admins? That's an organizational problem, not an administrative one. Somewhere in the organizational hierarchy someone is sufficiently trusted and endowed with enough responsibility to carry out that task. Someone who is trusted as an EA perhaps? The CIO (I hope not)? But there's going to be someone.


CAAD uses various mechanisms for ensuring the security and integrety of its audit data ("best practices"), but CAAD isn't a mechanism for protecting against rogue admins. There's ultimately no way to do that. The best you can do is mitigate the consequences.


In my experience, trusting admins not to do something malicious isn't the major issue. If you've given them admin priveleges, you've already convinced yourself that they won't do something malicious (I hope!). Trusting admins to not do something stupid is by far the more prevelant problem. And that's where the trust but verify strategy can work well.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ruston, Neil
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 10:06 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Problem: Limit Domain Admins and Administrators

These are all valid points but when put into practice can be troublesome.


Firstly, who monitors the admins? It certainly cannot be the admins themselves, so then who should it be? If the buck stops somewhere outside these admins, then where does it actually stop? Ideally, a forest (and each domain) is assigned an owner, who would be that person. Deciding who that should be is the tough part, however.


Secondly, where are these admin events sent? If sent to a console that the admins themselves manage, then again, we have a conflict of interest. So now we need a separate, secure, isolated application which monitors the admins and sends alters to this as yet undefined forest / domain Owner. How do we implement this such that the Admins cannot alter the data in that app etc etc?


Change Auditor is a great facilitator which may be used to help monitor the admins, but the 2 points above (and no doubt others) still need to be understand, addressed and overcome.




MVP - dir services


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gil Kirkpatrick
Sent: 09 March 2005 16:55
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Problem: Limit Domain Admins and Administrators

Rick's comments are spot-on. Trust is a gradient thing, not binary. You trust people *up to a point*. Where that point is depends on you, your admins, and your environment. Unfortunately, delegation of administrative rights isn't a gradient thing... you get rights in great clumps. Once you put the domain admins SID in a person's token, you've given him the keys to the car, along with a credit card.


I think a good approach is "trust but verify". Grant the admins the rights they need, and audit and review their administrative actions in detail and in real(ish) time. You can catch and repair most screw ups before they have a significant impact on the enterprise, and over time you develop a better (read: more accurate) level of trust in your admins. Good service administration requires an up-front approval process and a reliable auditing process. That's in fact why we built Change Auditor for AD :)




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 8:11 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Problem: Limit Domain Admins and Administrators

Hey Rick, I didn't say how it should be done below, specifically I didn't say fire anyone. I just indicated he couldn't do what he wanted to do and other things that he has to avoid if he wants to avoid that same issue. Actually I agree with what you recommended in your previous post about spinning up role specific groups and delegated permissions.


The answer is really simple in all worlds, mine, the perfect one, and the real one. Either you don't give people those rights or if you can't go that route, you MUST realize and understand you can't lock it down. No amount of doing anything will ever get you to the point where you can block a determined and knowledgeable admin or someone who is in a position to grant that to themselves. Period.


One of the biggest security issues I see anywhere is the assumption that things are safe due to people not understanding the basic mechanics of Windows security. Because one person doesn't know how to compromise a system or do something doesn't mean someone else doesn't, that goes for you, me, Dean, or even your best MS Internal Security experts. You can never prove a system safe, only unsafe.


The straight up answer to any question of how do I block a DA from doing x in the directory is always, YOU CAN'T. At that point you make the decision of not granting the rights, granting the rights and putting a bunch of procedures in place that make you think (or maybe you don't but the infosec people do) it is safe to assuage yourself or a clueless information security group[1],  grant the rights and putting a bunch of auditing around it, granting the rights and forcing yourself to trust the person who you have given a gun.


Once you understand you can't block DA's from doing anything they want, EVER, you have to start to understand who can get DA. The easiest is obviously anyone with admin rights on a DC. But anyone who can manipulate services, drivers (even print drivers if the server executes them) or any other system files, schedule AT jobs, can get local interactive logon (this will depend on what vulns are currently available and not patched on the DC or what files you can get placed where - lots of stupid admins you can take advantage of), or anyone with physical access to the DC.


The last thing we as a group should ever say to anyone is that you can make an environment safe from Admins. We can't, others can't. People need to understand that. Once people get over that thought, then they are better prepared to come up with the solution that has the consessions necessary to work. If a company doesn't have a very small group of people that it can safely trust with its crown jewel of base security (auth and authorization at least) then it has to concede that it has to give permissions to people they can't trust and need the appropriate compensating measures dependent on how much the company really cares whether or not the person does something bad.





[1] Being paranoid doesn't make you a good security person, though it is a good start. Many security people I have met are more paranoid than technical. Their technical knowledge is limited to understanding how to use the the available security tools, not necessarily the concepts and the guts behind them.  



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rick Kingslan
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 11:10 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Problem: Limit Domain Admins and Administrators

joe -


Great answer in a perfect world.  Great answer in the joe-run world.  I'd like to do the same, but it's kind of funny that the guys I can't really trust, the company still employs because I can't get evidence that is going to get them fired to the degree in which HR is not going to spend the next 30 years in a court room over false termination.  If Rick Neuheisal can get $4.7 Million for being fired as a coach because he violated NCAA rules, I'm sure that the morons that I have to employ can make our life tough by being stupid on our network.


I can't move them off to other functions.  Why?  If I can't fire them, I can't replace them.  Management (upper) is kind of funny that way in the world that I live in.  The best that I can hope to do is to remove rights to the point that if they piss themselves, it's just their own mess - no one elses.


I suspect Mr. Lunsford is much more like me.  He's in an environment where he has to employ people that aren't as good as we'd like them to be.  Or, maybe even as trustworthy as we'd like.  So, that means that we:


  • protect ourselves as well as possible while we build the long trail of documentation to shit-can them
  • figure out a way to mitigate the damage as much as possible - hence the suggestions that I posted


Usually, the advice that "You can't do that" isn't realistic.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 9:39 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Problem: Limit Domain Admins and Administrators


You can't. Period.


Solution: Don't give these people who are untrustworthy administrator or any native group access and don't let them log on interactively to your DCs or allow them to modify the file systems nor registry nor services.


Summary: You can't. Period.




Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 7:01 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] Problem: Limit Domain Admins and Administrators

Need to lockdown Domain Admins and Administrators so that they can not add
additional users the Domain Admins and Administrators group.

Possible Solution:
Remove the permission's from the Domain Admins and Administrators so that
only Enterprise Admins can change their membership.

Anyone got a better idea or know if the solution will not work ?

Thank You ! And have a nice day !

Mark Lunsford
Directory Services Identify Management (DSIM/NOS)
Outside Phone: 925-926-5898
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