Thanks James.

You've responded to scenario 2 only (I believe) - can you offer any comment on
the other 2 scenarios?

A simply yes/no will suffice :) If no, can you point me to an article that
explains the correct behaviour?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: 07 April 2005 15:20
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] DC location queries

Hi Neil

In you domain DNS zone you will see a list of the sites in the _SITES folder.
Inside that are the site names and an _tcp folder.  This contains the SRV
records that are registered for that site.  Once a client is site aware (after
first logon) my understanding is this.
1) The client queries DNS for a list of DCs in its site.  It will then try
them in a random order.  If nothing is returned, or this fails...
2) The client will query DNS for a list of DCs in the domain.  It will then
try them in a random order with (I believe) 100ms time out for each before
contacting the next.

Gil Kirkpatrick wrote a very good article on controlling this topology with
SRV record priorities (ie.lower records are provided first and when they time
out remaining records are provided), and on setting manual site coverage.

We have used this somewhat, setting the SRV record value for all DCs to 16,
except for our hubsite (left at the default value of 0) for the domain.  In
our scenario the client will
1) Check the site, if there is nothing.
2) Check the hubsite, if they both time out
3) Check every other DC in the domain.

Hope this helps;

James R. Day
Active Directory Core Team
Office of the Chief Information Officer
National Park Service
(202) 354-1464 (direct)
(202) 371-1549 (fax)

|         |           "Ruston, Neil"         |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
|         |           Sent by:               |
|         |           [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |             |
|         |                                  |
|         |                                  |
|         |           04/07/2005 03:07 PM CET|
|         |           Please respond to      |
|         |           ActiveDir              |
  |       To:
  |       cc:       (bcc: James Day/Contractor/NPS)
  |       Subject:  [ActiveDir] DC location queries

I would like to ask for confirmation relating to the below scenarios and DC

1. Client in site with no DCs installed
Client receives list of DCs which have registered SRV records on behalf of
that site

2. Client in site with a DC but that DC is unavailable
Client requests list of DCs registered at the domain level

3. Client in unknown site
Client receives list of DCs associated with the defaultFirstNameSite

We have only hub sites register as per point 2 and the default site has been
renamed. How do I determine which site has assumed the role of the default



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