I'm trying to modify the sacls on an object. Every document/book/google demostrates how to do this by get the ntSecurityDescriptor of an object and then obtaining a handle to the SACL by referencing .SystemAcl from the descriptor.
Nice except that when you try and get the object you get an error stating that the object doesn't exist. Now I know I've got the ntSecDesc ok as I can get the DACL information and all of the other properties spit out quite nicely. It's just the SACLS which I'm having problems with. Can't get any example code from anywhere to give me SACLS either. (Mind you how many ways are there to get the ntSecDesc and then get .SystemACL!!!). Interesting .SACLDefaulted at least gives me a zero.
It's driving me maaaaad. Anyone managed to get .SystemACL out of ntSecDesc or is this a fruitless task.

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