Title: Cross forest trusts and site & subnet syncing

I am researching x forest trusts and the need / advantage in syncing sites and subnets between forests. I have found a MS paper which describes multi forest scenarios in some detail but would ideally like to see a paper which describes the process used by a root domain DC to locate a root domain DC in the 'other' forest in more detail.

i.e. does the DC simply look for a DC in the same site as itself? If so, then this implies that both forests need to have a similar site naming convention, which may be an issue :) Does the DC cache the DC used (and form a secure channel) or is some other mechanism used?

Does anyone know of any detailed papers which cover the above? [I thought I once read a paper available in the w2k3 JDP timescales, but have not seen anything similar post RTM.]

Thanks in advance,

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