If you follow Microsoft's recommendation (see http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windowsserver2003/technologies/management/user01.mspx#EHAA), but you grant modify rights with "take ownership" (not full control) folder redirection is happy to create the directories, and user's can't easily change the permissions on files.


The real danger with rights being changed besides a user locking themselves out, is they lock out the system account so backups/anti-virus can't run, but we all check our error logs for these products, right?


Now, this does mean a user could take ownership of the directory and give themselves full control, but this method will prevent your above average users from modifing it.  Besides, it's fairly easy to script a "check system has rights," or to enforcement.  In any case, this was the best solution between form and function.


Rights at the root folder for accounts:


User Account            Minimum permissions required


Creator/Owner           Modify rights & Take Ownership, Subfolders And Files Only

Authenticated users     Transverse Folder/Execute File & List Folder/Read Data & Create Folders/Append Data, This folder only

Local System            Full Control, This Folder, Subfolders And Files


Robert Presson

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