Have you checked the Browser service?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of George Arezina
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 4:46 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: [ActiveDir] Network Issue


Hi all,

I thought I run this by you all and see if anyone had a similar issue. On one of my member servers when I go into my network places, entire network, and Microsoft windows network and chose the domain of choice, I do not see any computers or servers. Instead I get a blank screen. However, when I perform the same task on another member server I see the entire domain except the member server that is experiencing the problem of not seeing the entire domain. Anyone have any ideas as to what could be the cause of the problem. The hardware of the member server is Dell PowerEdge 1750.


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