I have a similar setup at home and have merely used the RRASMGMT snap in to disable DNS registration for any undesirable NIC without issue (PPPoE etc) ... please further explain your RRAS configuration as I confess I'm not understanding the problem at this point.

Dean Wells
* Email: dwells@msetechnology.com



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Noah Eiger
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 5:44 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Same As Parent Folder

Yes. It kills me, but a DC at each site also runs RRAS in order to terminate PPTP connections. I have explained this over and over to the client’s management. There is, arguably, now a plan (or at least a thought) to move this to a router or at least another Winbox. So, yes, I am aware that it is cludgey and bad and all of those things….


That said, until installing this DC we had finally reached a servicable steady state (thanks, in part to Deji)  where VPN connections were happening, replication was moving pretty well, and only the local interface was registering in DNS.


In other news, now DC2 is kicking out tons of NetBT errors claiming that the IP address is being used by another name. Could there have been something in the promotion process that caused this not to register properly? I did not do that part of the process and am not sure that the guy did knew what he was doing.


-- nme


From: Dean Wells [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 2:28 PM
To: Send - AD mailing list
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Same As Parent Folder


May I ask why a DC has PPP interfaces?

Dean Wells



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Noah Eiger
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 5:17 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Same As Parent Folder

Thanks, Dean. That did not seem to do it either. Ah, but now I see what happened. We have set

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters\RegisterDnsARecords to value = 1 (meaning, don’t register – as per MSKB 246804). We had to do this to prevent RRAS PPP connections from registering in DNS and confusing local workstations. As soon as I change this value to 0, the host record shows up; as soon as I set it back to 1, the host disappears. Unfortunately, the PPP interfaces also register. We don’t seem to have this problem at other sites.


Any further thoughts?


-- nme


From: Dean Wells [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 1:39 PM
To: Send - AD mailing list
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Same As Parent Folder


Locate the NETLOGON.* set of files within %windir%\system32\config ... stop the NETLOGON service, delete the NETLOGON.DNB and NETLOGON.DNS files.  Configure the AD representative DNS zone to allow non-secure updates and restart NETLOGON on the errant DC ... if the entry still does not appear, reboot the DC.  Post back the results.

Dean Wells



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Noah Eiger
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 4:25 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Same As Parent Folder

Thanks but that did not seem to do it. Any other thoughts?


-- nme


Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 1:10 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE : [ActiveDir] Same As Parent Folder




Try to do a "netstop netlogon"  and a "netstart netlogon" in the DC that did not registered it SRV records, and finally restart your dns server in dns manager.






De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] de la part de Noah Eiger
Date: mer. 15/06/2005 21:54
À: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Objet : [ActiveDir] Same As Parent Folder

Hi –


I have added a DC (let’s call it DC2) to a site where it will eventually be the sole DC for that site. Currently, it is running AD-integrated DNS and appears to be replicating with the other sites and DCs (including the FSMO role holders).


In DNS, DC2’s IP address never appears with a (Same As Parent Folder) record. All other DCs seem to have this. For example, dc2.company.com shows up in company.com\_msdcs\gc\_sites\site1\_tcp\ with the SRV record by name. But it does not show up under _msdcs\gc with an A record for (same as parent folder).


It seems like the new DC never fully registered itself in DNS. What can I do to force this now?




-- nme

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