Hi all, sorry up front for the long post.

I'm curious how larger organizations manage groups in AD, with respect to authorizing users to be added to/removed from a group.  I don't mean the security around the administration, but the supporting business processes and workflows.  

We've just centralized security administration, and this has created a problem with group administration on quite a large scale.  

Our security admins will get a request to add UserA to GroupA.  Since they have inherited the job, there isnt a clear 'owner' of GroupA, be it an IT owner like the SQL group, or a business owner like the Radiology dept.  If its a group that ultimately get you admin rights on all SQL servers or access to patient data...you can see the problem developing here.  The problem is really two-fold, the security aspects, as well as the time it takes to complete the request.  (multiply it by 1500 requests a day and the admins are really  backed up)

I'm wondering if anyone has had success with a self-service web-based request system, or something similar, and what made it successful?  Ideally, the goal here is to get a detailed request into the admin group with all the info and approvals already in it.

Thanks in advance,

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