
(Also trying to answer Joe K's questions)

The developer "owns" all 3 of the SQL servers involved so he definitely
has a vested interest in the integrity of the data on the SQL servers.
SQL server runs under a domain service account only used on them. They
just wanted me to create the SPN's for the domain account the service
runs under and tick the "Account is trusted for delegation" on the
service account and "Computer is trusted for delegation"  on the SQL
servers' machine accounts.

Seemed to me the proper way would be to utilize  "Trust this computer
for delegation to specified services only" to set up the middle tier
service account to be only able to talk to the back end SQL servers'
services and configure the account to use constrained delegation without
protocol transition by selecting "Use Kerberos Only". It also seemed
like only the middle tier needed to have the machine account trusted for
delegation and, finally, that it would be better to run the backend
server under a separate service account with it's own SPN's. Am I close?

Joe- Your point about the limiting the accounts by marking "sensitive
and cannot be delegated" is well taken. As soon as I started looking at
this can of worms, that occurred to me immediately.

Thanks again


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bernard, Aric
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 3:01 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Kerberos Delegation


As Rick and Joe mentioned, as far as allowing a system to do something
on behalf of a user, constrained delegation is a pretty good solution.
Your developers need as I understand it is as follows:

User connects to a front application server (i.e. web server) and
authenticates to that server using Kerberos.  The application needs to
be able to contact multiple different SQL servers to perform a
distributed query.  If the application where to do with a service
account, the response to the query would likely contain all of the
information that the service account had that matched the query - this
might contain more or less information than the user making the request
has access to.  In addition the audit trail on the SQL server should
reflect that the application server made the access to the SQL server as
opposed to the user.

Using constrained delegation, the application server is provided the
capability to act as the user when interacting with the identified SQL
servers (only).  If done properly, the application server will be
delegated in a manner that explicitly identifies the SQL servers Service
Principal names (which include port numbers) associated with each SQL
computers object in the directory.  Therefore the application server CAN
impersonate the user but under the constraint that it may only occur
when communicating with the remote server/service/port as named in the

In your case the risk should be relatively low so long as your developer
has a vested interest in the integrity of the data on the SQL servers.
The only "abuse" of this specific configuration that I can think off the
top of my head would be possibility for the developer to execute a
stored procedure on the SQL server with more rights than he or she would
typically have thereby gaining access to or altering data in the DB that
they would otherwise not have access to.

Now if your developer starts asking for constrained delegation from the
application server to a DC, we should talk some more. :)



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Free, Bob
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 2:33 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Kerberos Delegation

 >Assuming that you are aware of what constrained delegation is, how it
operates, and what it should be used for...

That's the point of my query, I certainly don't understand all I know
about it and we have never allowed it, at this point I have just begun
to scratch the surface. I was totally uncomfortable when it was first
proposed and threw up the stop sign. I'm getting less comfortable by the
minute as I read more about it. 

I'm reading the Kerberos Protocol Transition and Constrained Delegation
article and the Troubleshooting Kerberos Delegation white paper and like
I said, trying to understand all I know about it ;-(

Everyone's comments so far are immensely appreciated.



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bernard, Aric
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 1:38 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Kerberos Delegation

Assuming that you are aware of what constrained delegation is, how it
operates, and what it should be used for...

Anytime you allow someone or something to impersonate, err, act on
behalf of another security principal, there is always cause for concern.
Constrained delegation certainly provides some flexibility in achieving
this goal and fulfilling the applications need, but like any Domain
Admin in your forest the developer and the application must be trusted.

I would recommend clear documentation as to the architecture of the
application, how and with what other systems it interoperates, and if
you have the wherewithal (or can bring in someone who does) a code
review to ensure that what is defined is accurate.  

I know this seems a little over-the-top, but we are taking about you
accepting someone else walking around with my ID and saying "he told me
it was OK that I access <fill in the blank> on his behalf."


Aric Bernard

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Free, Bob
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 1:07 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] Kerberos Delegation

We have a developer who wants us to allow delegation for a couple of SQL
servers and their service accounts so he can do distributed queries
across linked servers. This is new ground for us from an AD perspective
that I have just started researching and I'd like to hear other's
thoughts, policies etc.

We are at 2003 functional level so from what I read, we can allow
constrained delegation which is much better than un-constrained but most
of the comments I come across indicate this isn't something to be taken
lightly, has serious security ramifications, policies should be in place
etc etc..

I can find a reasonable amount of information from the developers
point-of-view, and I can see how to implement it technically (I think)
but not a whole lot from the AD admin's perspective, especially as it
pertains to the desirability of allowing it and how best to manage it if
it is allowed.

Any info greatly appreciated.


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