Title: RE: [ActiveDir] OT:Exchange 2003 SP1 bloat
You could use some interesting threading ideas. Say pass off machines to be enumerated to one control thread, it spawns up threads (up to x threads which is configurable) to ping, the control thread watches how long each thread runs for, if it exceeds yy ms then you terminate the thread or let it time itself out but in the meanwhile you know the machine isn't out there, the ones that return quick would be positives. You will need very little stack for these threads that you fire up (very little any resources) so tune that down and you could tune the number of threads up. If ~Eric catches this thread he may beat on my idea or add to it. Of course that assumes written code and not scripts.
I am not sure there is any good answer for a script here. To positively get good info, a script would be too underpowered unless it is say a perl script which would allow some of the good programmatic things you could do.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of SysPro Support
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2005 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Getting the Pre Windows 2000 name for a domain

Hi Michael,
Thanks for the response, But it isn't quite what I want. The code you give gives the NetBios name of the logged on user. I am trying to find the NetBios name for another domain.
I have tried enumerating all machines on the domain and then pinging them, but it takes too long. We have 20,000 machines, of which 10,000 are offline. Each ping to an offline machine takes 1 sec to time out, so it takes over 3 hours! I was looking a for a quicker way....
Alan C
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2005 8:47 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Getting the Pre Windows 2000 name for a domain

As to the first question:
Dim objWSHNetwork
Set objWSHNetwork = CreateObject ("WScript.Network")
' get the NetBIOS domain name
strNetBIOSDomain = objWSHNetwork.UserDomain
Set objWSHNetwork = Nothing
As to the second question, see

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of SysPro Support
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2005 1:54 AM
Subject: [ActiveDir] Getting the Pre Windows 2000 name for a domain

I have a requirement to determine the machines that are currently online for a particular domain. I use the Net View  command and give it a domain name such as:
Net View /Domain:DomName
Since  I know the Fully qualified Domain name AAA.BBB.CCC then I use:-
Net View /Domain:AAA
and it normally works. However I have one client that uses a different Pre Windows 2000 name (don't ask me why). I tried the following bit of code to try and programmatically work out the Pre Windows 2000 name:-
    Dim Sdou As IADs
    Dim PropertyValue As Variant
    Set Sdou = GetObject("
    For Each PropertyValue In Sdou.GetEx("Name")
        If PropertyValue <> "" Then
            MsgBox PropertyValue
        End If
but it just returned AAA.
So, is there a property in Active Directory that returns the Pre Windows 2000 name?
Alternatively, is there anyway to determine the machines that are online via AD, rather than via the Net View command?
Alan Cuthbertson

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