
"Even better in my opinion would be a DC that could auth someone from any
domain, basically a caching DC, once someone auth's there, their credentials
come down and sit there until some TTL and then they are purged. "

How's that better than having a live, writeable version handy?  The
limitations of a RODC seem to be unwieldy and otherwise clumsy on it's own.
I can see multiple NC's being a good thing as long as the apps follow.  I
also think Aric is right to question the thoughts behind security
boundaries.  That needs a serious rethink without legacy interaction.  Bolt
on the legacy stuff as an option later or something, but the concepts that
were the foundation are gone now. Departmental level servers are not the
norm as they were in the last major design phase of NOS products. 

Multiple domains don't make a lot of sense any longer either.  I don't see
that as beneficial, but rather as greens fee to be in the game. Multiple
security realms can be useful in some cases, but should we have to have to
deploy multiple instances of the OS to achieve that? That's what this seems
to boil down to in my mind.  

For that matter, why does it have to be a native LH thing vs. keeping some
of the legacy intact?  I don't know that it does because of the way the
clients find resources, now that it gets mentioned in that light. ;)

It should be far easier to deploy multiple security realms without unnatural
acts of deployment.  It should also be far easier to share my resources with
your resources without having to rewrite the wheel or jump through fiery
hoops.  And there shouldn't be the same limitations of a security realm that
I have today.  If I want to put down a group of settings that should apply
to 10 of the 50 NC's, I should be able to do that across all boundaries and
for all settings.  Passwords included.

Should we work back from the functionality needed and decide what stays from
there? Or is it better to continue to debate the legacy cost vs. dropping it
in favor of doing things differently? 

I don't think they are exclusive of each other FWIW. 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 9:07 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Active Directory wish list


Don't even need to worry about multiple ports. It is all hierarchical. I
can, for instance run 50 NCs on a single ADAM instance on a single server. I
could also run 50 different instances of ADAM on 50 different ports. Which
makes more sense? But otherwise yes, the SRV records coupled with the
builtin hierarchical structure just helps in many ways. 

As for the iusr accounts and actually any accounts for the system provided
services and cluster accounts, etc. I don't like them. I like connection
agreements for chatting between machines. This service on this machine can
talk to that service on that machine. Look at DNS/WINS replication. Look at
Exchange now. Etc.

There are lots of cases that spinning up two whole domain controllers for
two different domains is extreme overkill versus simply allowing the one DC
handle principals from the two domains. Even better in my opinion would be a
DC that could auth someone from any domain, basically a caching DC, once
someone auth's there, their credentials come down and sit there until some
TTL and then they are purged. 

Out of curiosity, does anyone know if anyone has tried integrating MIT or
Heimdahl kerb packages into a server running ADAM using ADAM for the backend
principal store?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bernard, Aric
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 6:59 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Active Directory wish list

Agreed - the legacy APIs pose a serious problem in many cases.  

After noodling over the LDAP issue a little more, and recalling that ports
are specified in the SRV records :), any AD aware of SRV aware
system/application should be able to handle multiple instances of LDAP on a
single server (assuming they are each using a different port or IP).

The SYSVOL issue is also negligible as, like you said, the file system
hierarchy was clearly designed with the domain name embedded.  The only
issue here that remains (in its current incarnation) is that of data
replication.  Given the advancements shown in DFSR this should be easily
overcome with the only problem being replicating data to places it should
not be (i.e. a legacy DC running some antiquated OS like W2K or W2K3 pre-R2

There are of course other unhandled issues such as which domain should the
IUSR_Machine user object be created in if IIS is installed/running on a
multi-domain capable DC?  (Or better yet, should the IUSR account exist at
all?)  Regardless, there is a substantial trail of legacy issues that have
to be handled before multi-domain DCs can come to fruition.  Of course we
should more properly be talking about multi-forest DCs as opposed to
multi-domain DCs - or does that just blur the entire security boundary issue
a bit too much?

Needless to say, given the current technology, using virtual guest operating
systems atop your favorite virtualization product is a viable way to
generally satisfy the need for running multiple domains on a single piece of
hardware as opposed to the desire of running them all on a single OS
instance albeit at a higher theoretical cost for system management and other
pay for software that is installed in each instance.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 2:09 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Active Directory wish list

I don't think the issue is there. When you make an LDAP call, you specify
where you want to go, the hierarchy is all there and required in the call.
Also I don't believe the issue is in SYSVOL, if you look at the sysvol
structure, it has the domain component in there. In fact when I first saw
that in say Oct 1999 in the gold product I was thinking... Hmmmm is MS
thinking about supporting multiple domains from a single DC? One of the big
issues is at the level of all of the old NET style calls. You specify a
server, not a domain, then it assumes there is one auth point on that one
server (i.e. one SAM in the old days) and it works it. If a call came in for
user bob on server123 and there were three domains or partitions or x hosted
all of which have bob, which one gets sent back? 

If the old NET functionality got dumped, I would be rewriting quite a bit of
code. The only reason I am not already doing it is that there is no impetus
to, it works, I don't have to worry about it. At the same time, that holds
back from doing newer and cooler things if MS did offer the option to move
on. If that option were there though... I would start rewriting to get to
it. At the present time, there is no sign of the death of the NET API so
there is no reason to rewrite something that works fine using it unless
there is some other reason (like you need something that isn't accessible
through the API). Even on this list which has a lot of the more eager
techofolks, we discuss the WinNT provider and other NET API based methods
quite a bit for accessing AD. How come everyone isn't only using the LDAP
methods? Answer, because the NET API methods still work for many things.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bernard, Aric
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 4:03 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Active Directory wish list

Sounds like we need an LDAP.SYS that is similar to HTTP.SYS in that it can
act as a routing, queuing, and parsing mechanism to determine which LDAP
namespace/partition or domain an inbound request is destined for.

With such a mechanism in place registration/advertisement (DNS) of the
various LDAP namespaces supported should be compatible with today's
implementation and existing client capabilities.  However, some of the other
facets of the NOS implementation (i.e. SYSVOL) would still be unaccounted
for but I suppose similar proxy methods could be developed to support these
subsystems as well...


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charlie Kaiser
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 12:42 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Active Directory wish list

The limitations of the VMs are the underlying hardware, in our case. I have
9 VMs running on one server. It's choking for more RAM, but management won't
foot the bill for the additional riser card and ram. Otherwise, no
limitations in functionality. If I had adequate hdw to run the VMs I could
use VMs more gracefully. I've used/use desktop hdw to run testlab machines,
but scalability and user experience testing is indeed a factor for some
things. The underlying "wish" here was to be able to put multiple AD DCs on
one piece of hdw/OS. Instead of having to build 3 VMs or physical machines,
be able to run 3 domains on one, with AD running as a service, kinda like
the way IIS can run multiple websites, or SQL can run multiple DBs (although
it's at a lower level than either of those apps). If I could run 3 domains
on 2 servers instead of 6, I would imagine that I'd save on licensing costs
as well as hdw, since running an AD service would likely be less hdw
intensive than running an OS... We can dream, can't we? :-)

Charlie Kaiser
Systems Engineer
Essex Credit / Brickwalk
510 595 5083

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al Mulnick
> Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 10:28 AM
> To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
> Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Active Directory wish list
> I agree.  SMB business can be very complex.
> Can you expand on the idea that VM's aren't working well for you? I'm
> trying to understand the difference between that and a multiple domain

> DC for that scenario.
> I'd have to say that smaller, cheaper dc's (desktop class?) have
> always worked well for me in the past when doing functionality 
> testing.
> Scalability requires full-blown hardware. But I'm not seeing where VM 
> environments aren't working as well as you'd like a physical 
> environment to work?  What's the difference in this situation?
> For availability, I could see some value in a DC configured to host
> mulitple domains because I could designate one to be the failover for 
> several domains.  Otherwise, I'm not sure I get it. Is this like a 
> LPAR concept you're talking about? That would be more helpful to you 
> in these situations?
> If so, how is that different than VM's?
> Test environments are notoriously able to take down servers without
> warning.
> I would often prefer to use a VM to decrease that risk of consuming 
> all resources to destruction. That provides some isolation while not 
> requiring extra hardware.
> VM's require licenses (the OS and apps do) FWIW. You're only saving on

> the hardware and environmentals that I can see, but I'm trying to
> understand what I'm missing.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Charlie Kaiser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org>
> Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 11:05 AM
> Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Active Directory wish list
> For us, it's the ability to run parallel domains for test/development
> purposes. We have our production domain, my IT test domain, and our 
> LOB application test domain. I'd have another IT test domain if I had 
> the available hardware right now.
> We are required to test and document all changes to the LOB app and a 
> significant number of people work in that test domain.
> Running it on VMs
> or old hardware doesn't cut it gracefully, although that's what I do.
> Since management won't write the check for additional 
> hardware/licenses, we do what we can.
> But if we had one beefy server to replace 3, and one server license to

> replace 3, it would be much more cost effective to do, and would
> increase performance for the user community.
> In my last gig, we had multiple domains that were used for development

> and customer support departments. The support kids especially needed
> multiple domains to recreate customer environments and various 
> software versions.
> I can think of a lot of reasons to need multiple domains/forests in an

> SMB environment. Regulatory compliance, 24x7 availability that
> mandates full testing prior to implementation in production, customer 
> support domains, etc. Just because a business is small doesn't mean it

> can't have complex requirements...
> **********************
> Charlie Kaiser
> W2K3 MCSA/MCSE/Security, CCNA
> Systems Engineer
> Essex Credit / Brickwalk
> 510 595 5083
> **********************
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al Mulnick
> > Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 7:10 AM
> > To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
> > Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Active Directory wish list I'm curious,
> > Charlie and Neil.  What services do these SMB's offer that they need

> > multiple instances of DC's? I realize that a best practice is to
> > have multiple servers that can provide some failure tolerant 
> > behaviors, but I'm wondering what type of work a SMB does that 
> > requires multiple full blown AD domain instances and therefore 
> > multiple servers etc. Can you expand that?
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