<interrupts the regularly scheduled program> 
You know joe is in a class by himself because he wasn't allowed to play with
the other kids, right? <G>
</interrupts the regularly scheduled program>

FWIW, I think that tool already exists in several agent-based forms.  For
example HIDS systems have those abilities now and even monitor for
themselves to be running.  MOM can do that as well.  Pretty much anything
ser^^^agent based would be able to hook into a notification of changes to
certain groups or files or event logs etc.  

I agree you need to make sure that you provide something that gets fed
notifications of changes, but it also has to have someone watching the
watcher to prevent it from being silenced and the intruder being able to run

Oh, and email isn't what I would call a reliable method of notification in
that type of situation.  Anyone that has the DA could just as easily
interrupt the email comm path, maybe even first. But you can protect the
watcher program that checks to see if the agents are running. Multiple alert
paths would be preferred. 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rocky Habeeb
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:49 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Modifying Domain Admins & Administrators Group 


You know this is not possible.  No one has your knowledge base!  I mean "no
one".  You're in a class by yourself.  You define the class, it's a little
bit like God.  "No one can touch you!"  Okay enough adulation. Anyways, I
would hope it would come in between $100 and $500 USD but who knows how long
it will take you to create and perfect it and I, for one, know, unlike
99.999% of "all" software released, it will >not< have bugs in it when it's
released.  Something we can count on with joeware.

Do you know that I have downloaded most of your free tools but have not used
virtually any of them because I simply don't have the knowledge base?  I did
use a couple of them during my migration from Forest X to Forest Y and I
sure appreciated them then.

As always,




-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 4:45 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Modifying Domain Admins & Administrators Group 

Define within reason. 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rocky Habeeb
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 12:33 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Modifying Domain Admins & Administrators Group 

"Is a tool like that something people would be willing to pay for? "

Affirmative Mr. joe. (Within reason of course)


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2005 11:51 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Modifying Domain Admins & Administrators Group 

Ah global won't have the issue with primary group since it used the NET*
calls. However, it won't catch nesting that is disallowed in NT, those
entries will be curiously absent because the NET calls don't know anything
about it. If you are simply looking for any change on a group, fire a
notification on the changing of the metadata or the USN or the whenChanged

What would I do? The answer is of course, it depends. :o)  

It depends on what I perceive the risks are and the necessity for protecting
things. It could be very little or it could be a lot with several cross
checks. Generally, monitoring from multiple angles as well as trying to
prevent the possibility of any change is the best solution in my opinion.
Sort of like root kit detection, you won't know when looking at things one
way, you have to look from different angles and check the shadows. 

If I really wanted to be sure I would have a service running on every DC
that made the sure the group memberships were exactly what I wanted. These
would be services that had change notifications set up for each monitored
group so AD told me when the group changed versus me looking at it and
seeing if something changed on some x interval. But just the same, that
service would still look at some very regular very short interval just in
case the change notification dorked up and I would do it using multiple
interfaces. If I was REALLY being paranoid I would possibly have the service
shut down the box if it detected a change being originated on it in case
that one box has been somehow compromised. That service might also, for
instance, look for certain known vectors and try to clean those up if
detected as well. There are other things but the more you tell people about
what you are doing to protect a system, the more you tell them on what they
may need to do to compromise a system.

Is a tool like that something people would be willing to pay for? You set it
for how jittery you are about changes to some finite small number of
specific groups and depending on the jittery setting it does anything from
warn to correct to locking the box down dead from any more mods? 


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alex Fontana
Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2005 6:36 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Modifying Domain Admins & Administrators Group 

I'm just using the (I believe) resource kit tool global.exe to return
samaccountname of users in the group.  A user who has that particular group
as primary still shows up.  At the time my biggest concern was ANY change.
There should not be any changes made to those groups at any time with out my
groups knowledge.  Obviously if a group (nesting) is added I'll know about
it and whip out my ruler to smack someone with.

As far as the restricted groups are concerned; when I first added them to
the policy it worked like a charm.  After some more testing I found it was
taking longer than expected...more than 15 minutes.  After looking at the
policy I saw that I had entered "domain admins" instead of domain\domain
admins.  I changed it and it never worked.  Changed it back to just "domain
admins" and again it usually works but I recently saw a user sit in the
group for an hour or so before I removed it manually.  I was however
notified with in a minute of the change.

Like I said, it's crude but it get's what I need done.  I know that I have
to deal with replication time and I could hit a DC that doesn't know about
the change immediately which could delay my notification by up to a few
minutes, but my biggest concern at this time are certain admins that can add
to the DA's group.  No need to start down that road...I walked into this and
am slowly cleaning up this mess.  Who the hell makes a file server a DC...

Now...I have to ask...how would Joe do it? ;-)

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2005 2:31 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Modifying Domain Admins & Administrators Group 

What about people who have those groups as a primary group? 30 seconds is a
long time, I could be a domain admin and have it not show in the DA member
attribute in milliseconds. Also do you chase all nesting? If so how? What do
you key your hash/map/associative array/dictionary on so you don't get stuck
in a recursive nesting? Name? SamAccountName? Should be using DN if you
aren't. When building the list of current unique members do you key off of
name, samaccountname? Again, should be using DN if you aren't.

The restricted groups GPO should remove a user that isn't in the list within
5 minutes on a DC. But still, in computer and hacking time, that is an

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alex Fontana
Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2005 12:45 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Modifying Domain Admins & Administrators Group 

Call my method crude and archaic...but I have a box that just runs
scripts...all day...nothing else.  One of them is to do a simple dump of the
domain, enterprise, and schema admins group once every 30 seconds or
something and diff it against the previous run.  If there's a difference I
get an email.  This was a 2 minute batch file I put in place because someone
was added to the DA's group and decided it would be fun to try and bring up
a new domain.  I decided to leave it in place cause it just worked; any
change to the groups and I get an email with in a few minutes.  Already
caught a few "mistakes".

The restricted groups (which are also in place) have sat for hours and not
kicked the "non-specified" user out...then again, sometimes it kicks them
out right away.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 8:06 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Modifying Domain Admins & Administrators Group 

I am. 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 10:20 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Modifying Domain Admins & Administrators Group 

I actually thought you were referring to the somewhat "hidden"
primaryGroupID issue in your previous response.

Dèjì Akómöláfé, MCSE+M MCSA+M MCP+I
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
www.readymaids.com - we know IT
Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you were worried about
Yesterday?  -anon


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of joe
Sent: Fri 10/7/2005 6:01 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Modifying Domain Admins & Administrators Group 

You have to look at what the scripts and GPOs are actually doing in the
background. For instance, gpo simply looks at the LDAP membership of a
group, ditto many of the WMI scripts out there that "monitor" group
membership. Not all members will be listed there. Unless those items fire at
a moment that the user is listed in the member list, they may not capture
the info. How long does it take to get yourself into say the domain admins
group and it not be listed in the member attribute for domain admins? Maybe
milliseconds? How often are the monitors and GPOs firing? Auditing can help
here since it will track every change if you are willing to have the
overhead of the auditing, but you have to be aware if there are any
limitations in your event log scraper tool.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Crawford, Scott
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 4:40 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Modifying Domain Admins & Administrators Group

Care to elaborate on what you mean by defeated?  Are you suggesting that
gpo's can be overridden by a local user w/o admin rights?

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 7:28 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Modifying Domain Admins & Administrators Group

Both can be defeated.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 2:23 PM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Modifying Domain Admins & Administrators Group

Use a "restricted group" policy, or use of one Alain Lissor's
(lissware.net) scripts.

You can find info on either methods by searching through the archives of
this list, or you could use google ... ahem ....I meant msn search :)


Dèjì Akómöláfé, MCSE+M MCSA+M MCP+I
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
www.readymaids.com - we know IT
Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you were worried about
Yesterday?  -anon


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Devan Pala
Sent: Thu 10/6/2005 9:59 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: [ActiveDir] Modifying Domain Admins & Administrators Group


We have about 7 domain administrators in a particular child domain. I just
found out someone added the DBA Group to part of the Administrators group in
this domain. Not necessary, not required nor is it a policy. Event logs have
obviously been overwritten therefore I would like to know the simplest
method to avoid this scenario from ever happening again.

What are my options?

Thank you so much.

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