Don't take it personally, and don't stop asking questions: if you ask some good ones, the resulting discussions could help many of us.  I'm 39, been around computers my whole life, and I don't know 10% what some of these guys know about AD.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] salary(OT)

Am I capable?
Who knows?
I've only been in IT for less than 4 years and I never owned a computer until 6 years ago.
Everything i learned, i learned from screwing around at home,books,websites, and most of all, lists like this.
I haven't lied or fluffed up my resume or past in anyway to employers, so if they are willing to offer me positions, i can only assume i'm close to capable....
I'm 36yrs old and I have a B.A. in English lit from NYU and as i said, no computer experience until i was about 30.  Before IT, i was in grad school for english and working as a TA at Boston University.
I'm always upfront to employers about all of this.
They hire me and seem to be pleased.
As to this list being a question sink, i've been a lurker on this list for 2yrs and i admit i've sent a deluge of questions latlely, but only about 10% of them have been about my current position.
The other 90% have just been for my own curiosity.
Thats what happens when you don't know anyone else in your field and no one at your place of employment is that knowldgable either.
If all i have is some software and a book, sometimes i'd like some human feed back.
I apologixe for using this list as an endless fountain of info and i promise to stop.
i know how hard you guys work and i'd love to buy you all a beer and a shot.
As to having someone as experienced as you guys over me, I'd love that!
That would be a dream job to apprentince under someone.
Unfortunately, when being offered a job for some $$$ and with 2 kids at home, I'm not gonna say, "Thats really nice,but despite what you think,I'm not really that experienced and the fact that after 2 months of consulting you haven't noticed that, gives me some pause, so I'm gonna go somewhere else where i can work under someone who knows AD and can teach me all i want so i can at the very least leave those poor guys on the activedir list alone...".
I guess if i were in my 20's that would work but right now i can't say no.
As to leaving you guys be, I'll do my best.
I'm sorry for all the questions.
I'll relax a bit.
Thanks for everything!
On 10/13/05, Brian Desmond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just a thought for you – Are you really capable of being the lead engineer in the situation your client and potential employer is in? This list has been a major question sink for you, and I think several of us have worked very hard answering all these questions. One thing you might find from a career & knowledge development perspective is that you would really benefit from working under someone who has the in-depth operations experience and AD knowledge that some of us have here. This list has been your substitute for that person in my opinion.


Brian Desmond



c - 312.731.3132



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 9:37 PM
To: activedirectory
Subject: [ActiveDir] salary(OT)


well, i've been consulting for 2 months full time for a company and now they want to make me an offer to work for them(yeah,i'm amazed too..)

At first it was a head/senior AD position  but now they want to throw in Exchange in the mix.

they used to outsource all their windows infrastructure and during my tenure there, they took it back so they have no AD/Exchange people.


This is a 3000 user finanical corp in Manhattan.


my question is, what kind of salary would one expect for a such a position, taking into account the bussiness and location and size.




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