ADFIND V01.27.00 is now out of beta. Final version is available at

Thanks to those who beta tested and forwarded on input.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 10:59 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] ADFIND mods

Beta 2 is ready. Same download location.

I have fixed a couple of bugs I found and some others reported.

Also added a couple of items that I thought of and/or were recommended.

-tdcs   - time decode in more easily sortable format than -tdc. CSV really
helped drive this change. I had everything in place for it, just didn't have
it exposed via a switch. 

-utc    - output -tdc/-tdcs in UTC instead of local TZ

Also have -tdc/-tdcs output TZ so you know what it is.

-nocsvheader  - doesn't list attribute header at top of csv output

-po  - print out all switches and attributes specified. This will dump out
everything set through command line as well as -e and -ef options.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 12:15 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] ADFIND mods

I have finished the initial pass through the adfind updates. I have done
some testing and allowed a few others to test it and am now opening up the
beta to this list, please don't forward as I don't want a bunch of people
using the beta 2 months from now. 

o Phantom Root capability (-pr) - Allows you to search across all partitions
across a DC or ADAM instance based on specified base. I.E. -b ".com" would
retrieve *.com partitions.  -b "" would retrieve all partitions say all ADAM
partitions or default domain, config, and schema of a DC (even if it isn't a

o Added list (-list) - output from adfind is in list format. For instance
say you want a simple list of ldapdisplaynames of all the attributes in the
schema. You could use a query like 

Adfind -schema -f objectcategory=attributeschema ldapdisplayname -list

If you want the output sorted by ldapdisplayname, you do not have to specify
-sort ldapdisplayname, if you specify -sort or -rsort it will automatically
assume you want ldapdisplayname or whatever other attribute you are listing
by. However, if you want it sorted by some other attribute, you can still
specify it.

o Added -soao - Sorted order attribute output. Jerry Schulman asked me for
this and the next update. This sorts the attributes output for each object
by attribute name so they will be in a consistent order. This is nice for
scripting in the scripting languages that have minimal parsing capabilities
(like not Perl) ;o)

o -oao - Ordered attribute output. Attribute output for each object is in
the order you specify attributes to be returned in the command submitted.
Not only that, but if a specific object doesn't have one of the attributes,
it will still put a slot in the output for that attribute. By default that
slot will be empty (>attribname:) but if you like, you can specify a value
to insert (this is from Al Mulnick from some time last year) like say
#undef# so if an attribute you specify to be returned will have that value
in the output (>attribname: #undef#). This is done by specifying that string
after the -oao switch.

o CSV output... You must specify a list of attributes to be returned, if you
don't it will autoselect dn and name for you. If you don't want to specify a
list of attributes, you can still use (Should I compile that?).
Supporting switches are -csvdelim, -csvmvdelim, -csvq. The delim switches
let you specify delimiters for the attribs and the values of a mv attrib.
csvq lets you specify a different value to quote the attributes, default is
the quote character. -nodn is supported with -csv... 

o -incldn and -incldndelim - these are like -excldn and -excldndelim but
allows you to filter on what you want to see versus what you don't want to
see. Remember, all data from the query comes back, this will simply filter
out unwanted objects on display.

o Added the ability to decode msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed when using

o Added decode for AzMan groups (basic and query based) with -samdc on

o Fixed a bug in the filter expansion of the stats+ output. It would blow it
if there were parens in the output that wasn't related to the filter itself.

o Added environment option (-e). We discussed this functionality and the
next functionality on the list a while back. You can specify environment
variables and adfind will read them and use them like they were specified on
the command line. Switches provided at the command line will override
anything specified in the env vars. Attributes specified will be in addition
to what is specified on the command line. The default prefix for the env
vars is adfind-. So if you wanted to specify a host to use in the env vars,
say because you don't want to keep typing it, you could type


And then when you do adfind and specify the -e switch it will pull that in
and use it. 

If you want to specify a different prefix you specify it after the -e like
for instance -e adam1  -e adam2   -adam3 and then you could have

Set adam1-h=somehost:345
Set adam2-h=somehost:5000
You could also do this with filters you like to use


If you want to specify properties you either don't specify a switch name or
use the virtual switch props so adfind-props or adfind- should work.

o Added environment from file option (-ef). Similar to above -e option
except that you specify the switches in a file just like you would on the
command line only one switch per line. Attributes can be specified on a
single line each or all on one line. Again switches on the command line will
override. You can combine -e and -ef. Processing order is -ef and then -e. 

For example you could have a file like

-h 2k3dc01
-f objectcategory=subnet
name siteobject

If the file is named you simply specify -ef, if you want to use a
different file name, specify the filename after the -ef.

o Modified help so that hopefully it isn't so intimidating when you first
try it. I started looking at making it so every switch gave full examples,
etc but then realized I wasn't making this for my grandmother to use and
figured a compentent AD Admin should be able to work out how to use most of
the switches with the help given. If you find specific examples that you
don't agree with me on, email me what you think is wrong and how you think
it should be.

You can download from the following location. Please download with the
understanding that when I publish the "release version" in a week or two or
three that you will delete the beta and get the new version.

If you try it and find an issue, please email me directly.

   thanks, joe


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 1:59 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] ADFIND mods

You will need multiple t-shirts, so far I have added around 10 new switches
for V01.27.00. I have had a muse sitting near me or something. ;o) I decided
it would still be quite a while for V2.* as I want to do some other things
first so I figured I would shove a bunch of stuff in now. 

I am also looking at the usage screen too to see if I can give a simple help
and an advanced help and probably a "only look at this help if you really
understand what you are doing" help. I figure the simple help will show how
to build the simplest query. The other screens will go from there. Honestly,
I don't expect everyone to use every aspect of adfind. Many people will do
things in a possibly simpler and a more inefficient manner than optimal but
that manner will be familiar to them. I offer all of the abilities adfind
has for those people who truly know what can be done so they can pull off
what they need to do at the command line without writing their own compiled
tool, hopefully in an optimal fashion. I enjoy it when Dean is forced to
admit that adfind is the only way to do this that or the other advanced


//* V01.27.00  2005.10.xx     o 08/24   Added -PR (PhantomRoot)
//*                           o 10/10   Added -list
//*                           o 10/10   Changed attrib output method (deep)
//*                           o 10/10   Added -soao (Sorted order attr out)
//*                           o 10/10   Added -oao (order attr out)
//*                           o 10/10   Added -csv, csvdelim,csvmvdelim
//*                           o 10/11   Added -incldn, -incldndelim
//*                           o 10/11   Added port on basic info output
//*                           o 10/11   Decode with -samdc
//*                                       and also more grouptypes
//*                           o 10/11   Fixed stats filter expansion bug
//*                           o 10/12   Added -e to read environment vars
//*                                       for setting switches/args

Along with the help, I have one other thing I am trying to work out a way to
handle in a generic way. If I can do it in the next few days I will. If not,
I will stop the mods and look at allowing some folks to beta.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al Mulnick
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 10:00 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] ADFIND mods

I was waiting for the t-shirt before using it.  If it's already there, that
would be great.  Now if only I could read... <dg>

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 5:10 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] ADFIND mods

Hey Al, have you actually used any of my tools? <eg>

I added the CSVDelim and CSVMVDelim switches before I added the CSV switch.

  ValidOptions.push_back("csvdelim");           // CSV Delimiter
  ValidOptions.push_back("csvmvdelim");         // CSV Multivalue Delimiter
  ValidOptions.push_back(":list");              // List mode
  ValidOptions.push_back(":soao");              // Sort Ordered Attribute
  ValidOptions.push_back(":oao");               // Ordered Attribute Output
  ValidOptions.push_back(":csv");               // CSV Output

  string CSVDelim=",";
  string CSVMVDelim=";";

  if (CmdLine.HasSwitch("csv"))
    if (!CmdLine.NumArgs()) CmdLine.AddArg("name");
    if (CmdLine.HasSwitch("csvdelim"))
    if (CmdLine.HasSwitch("csvmvdelim"))


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al Mulnick
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:07 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] ADFIND mods


Uh, one thing though. While you're mod'ing the CSV output, can you make it
so that we can pick the separator character?  I know the purists out there
wouldn't like to call something a csv if it's not, well comma separated, but
it's sometimes useful to utilize other separator characters.  Please? 


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 1:30 AM
Subject: [ActiveDir] ADFIND mods

Not trying to scare anyone but I actually might have somehow hacked CSV
support into the V1.* version of adfind. 

Jerry[1] pulled me off to the side at the MVP summit during the Exec
sessions and threatened to thrash me if I didn't add the ability to support
sorting the attribute output order for objects into adfind. Well actually he
said it very nicely, Jerry is a very nice guy. I say this in case you don't
know him personally. Then Marty List said that is a great idea and then Dean
said it was a good idea which almost made me not do it because Dean doesn't
like me but I decided I liked Jerry and Marty enough to overcome the dislike
Dean has. Yup. ;o) So I got home from the summit, received my email to
myself to remind myself that I needed to make that mod for Jerry so I didn't
have to keep looking in the rearview mirror and sending my cat out to start
the truck. So I pulled up the adfind code and scrolled through it (since I
hadn't looked at the overall flow in months) to reaquaint myself with how
hacked it is (it really is at this point, positively evil). Then I closed it
and waiting until the bug bit me to tell me my mind had somehow figured out
how to insert the new code... 

Well it bit me tonight while watching My Name is Earl on the Media Center
PC. I had worked out where I needed to further hack the code and opened it
up and started slinging code and have been doing so for the last couple of
hours though now I have to rewatch Earl because I lost the thread of what
was happening.

After I stuck in Jerry's attribute sort so that an object will return the
attributes in an order sorted by attribute name say 

>cn: Users
>dSCorePropagationData: 20050805040803.0Z
>dSCorePropagationData: 20050805040622.0Z
>dSCorePropagationData: 20050805032808.0Z
>dSCorePropagationData: 20050805031109.0Z
>dSCorePropagationData: 16010714223649.0Z
>description: Default container for upgraded user accounts
>distinguishedName: CN=Users,DC=joe,DC=com
>instanceType: 4
>memberOf: CN=MyDL,OU=contacts,DC=joe,DC=com
>name: Users
>objectCategory: CN=Container,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=joe,DC=com
>objectClass: top
>objectClass: container
>objectGUID: {48F745DD-7E01-4151-A1EA-C7D16085DAE6}
>uSNChanged: 3021990
>uSNCreated: 16365
>whenChanged: 20050805051458.0Z
>whenCreated: 20040309041843.0Z

instead of the default return order from the server of 

>objectClass: top
>objectClass: container
>cn: Users
>description: Default container for upgraded user accounts
>distinguishedName: CN=Users,DC=joe,DC=com
>instanceType: 4
>whenCreated: 20040309041843.0Z
>whenChanged: 20050805051458.0Z
>uSNCreated: 16365
>memberOf: CN=MyDL,OU=contacts,DC=joe,DC=com
>uSNChanged: 3021990
>name: Users
>objectGUID: {48F745DD-7E01-4151-A1EA-C7D16085DAE6}
>objectCategory: CN=Container,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=joe,DC=com
>dSCorePropagationData: 20050805040803.0Z
>dSCorePropagationData: 20050805040622.0Z
>dSCorePropagationData: 20050805032808.0Z
>dSCorePropagationData: 20050805031109.0Z
>dSCorePropagationData: 16010714223649.0Z

I decided to add a quick list function which combines -nodn -nolabel and
inserts the attribute specified into the -sort or -rsort without having to
type the attribute again which I have wanted for some time because I was
tired of typing all of that stuff all of the time.

I then decided since it was all going too smoothly I should take a shot at
CSV output because I really need to crash it good when I am adding new
things so I can slap my forehead and think, what in the world do I do this
for. Plus the mechanism I had set up to pull off Jerry's option I had
architected in such a way that CSV was at least remotely possible
theoretically and how dare I not test the theory. 

This CSV option only works with DN and name if you don't specify specific
attributes or it works with the attributes you specify though DN will always
be the first column. Amazingly, it seems to be working and it isn't entirely
slow. I have to play with it some more and I thought of a couple of other
options to try and stick in and break things before I start officially beta
testing it. Once I get to that point I may annoy some folks into testing it
out for me. If you use adfind a lot and would like to test the new version
when I am ready to let someone find the holes, respond to me with this email
and why you would like to test it and I will put you in the hat. Oh here is
what the csv output looks like at the moment....

F:\Dev\CPP\AdFind>adfind -h 2k3dc01 -default -s one  name objectclass
whenchanged -csv -sort name "dn","name","objectclass","whenchanged"
"OU=Domain Controllers,DC=joe,DC=com","Domain
"CN=Microsoft Exchange System Objects,DC=joe,DC=com","Microsoft Exchange
"CN=NTDS Quotas,DC=joe,DC=com","NTDS
"CN=Program Data,DC=joe,DC=com","Program
0Z" "CN=Users,DC=joe,DC=com","Users","top;container","20050805051458.0Z"


[1] Yes that Jerry, Jerold Schulman, of the reghacks / JSI Inc web site. 

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