So, other than the bug reports and requests I have received previously prior to this email, it is perfect?

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 5:38 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] OldCmp

Ok, so now that you have had time to play with oldcmp and you have decided you like it or maybe just simply deal with it or it really upsets you, what would you change about it?
If it were your app and you were like, I need to make this better, what things would you do to it to make it better? LIke for instance, you are sitting there and you think, man this is cool, but it would be really cool if.... "X"
I am starting to feel the urge to dig into that code again and since the first version was driven in great part by requests from this list, I figured I would ask about before going off and making changes from my own head and from previous requests or issues I have heard or assumed from things I have heard.
Ping me with an email directly at this address or the one from the usage screen.
Obviously if you have thoughts about other tools that I have out there, I always welcome those comments as well.
P.S. Anyone on this list work for Borland or know someone well that works at Borland that could comp me a copy of the new Borland C++ Builder 2006 or give me a really good price break? I have a copy of Visual Studio 2005 but it just doesn't do it for me. The cool stuff[1] assumes you want to code using .NET and you know what they say about assumptions.
[1] Like quick and easy service creation and windows gui app building which BB did long ago with native code.

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