Title: FSMO Role Transfer GUI
What are the advantages/benefits of this UI vs U&C?
I can transfer all domain roles from that UI today?

Sent: 14 December 2005 17:27
To: 'ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org'
Subject: [ActiveDir] FSMO Role Transfer GUI

Anyone interested in testing a FSMO Role Transfer GUI? If so, please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll send you a copy.

Essentially a front end for the NETDOM and NTDSUTIL exe and was generally an exercise in working with external exe and discovering the McAfee sees some of the .net code as buffer overflows and keeps text from showing up in combo-boxes.  That was fun. I'd rate the app towards the novelty side of the Novelty ßà Useful continuum.  But hey, it's a better use of email and time than Elf Bowling!  Works in both my test and production environment.

Oh, also only transfers the domain roles.  Does not transfer the schema owner or domain role owner, but does list the DCs holding those roles.



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