Why was it that the idea of limiting the server that can be logged onto at time of password reset wouldn't work?
Just curious.

On 1/5/06, Edwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No.  That is not what is happening.


I work for a web hosting that has thousands bastion host servers that are on a domain.  These servers are accessed multiple times based upon need by the support staff.  So that there is no universal password among all servers (for obvious reasons) we have this system in place (dynamically assigned passwords for users).  The problem is that a support technician can log into multiple machines at once providing that they login before their password expires.  This is what I want to prevent.  I want for them to use their password once and only once.  I want for their password to expire upon first successful authentication use.


Joe, based off of our statements, would it be possible to have a logon script communicate to the DC and then update a property of that user to immediately expire their password?  If so, can you provide some direction?





From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:17 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] User Password Expiration


If the whole goal is to disallow access to other machines and it has to be enforced, I would not use a domain ID. I would work with local IDs on the specific machines, these IDs should not be the same as the IDs on other machines and shouldn't have passwords in sync. That way if anything breaks that is supposed to go back and lock down access the folks still don't have access to other machines. They could have access to log into the local machine again which may be a pain but if they were just on it, I don't see that as incredibly bad. You can obviously use the same or a similar mechanism currently in use to lock down the ID after 2 minutes. Another solution to lock the ID down quickly on the local machine would be to have a service that just watches an account and once it shows password not expired, sleep 5 seconds and then change the password and expire it again. Any lockdown done on a domain ID would not be fully in effect until replication carried that change to all DCs. It could get messy if DCs in different sites were used.


I guess if you wanted to get really fancy (read complex and subject to failure and issues) with a domain ID you could have a logon script for the ID, the logon script sends a request to some machine with then locks the ID down, then the script keeps querying that machine and the machine says STOP until it has detected that the ID has been locked down on all DCs, then the script gets a GO message to continue the logon. If the GO doesn't come in x seconds/minutes, the logon script tells the user there has been a problem and logs them back off without ever letting them do anything.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Al Mulnick
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:02 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] User Password Expiration

Basically, you want them to have a one-time-use password?  Is that correct?


That's interesting.  I haven't seen anything like that, but I imagine that's something that allows an outside vendor to have remote access to do something they need to do, but for security reasons you wouldn't want them to have full access to everything.


I wonder if it would be better to grant them access to the machine they'll access when they reset the password to prevent them from accessing other machines? i.e. Reset password & limit the desktop they can access at the same time. Would that give better control?


Aside from that, can you define the exact requirements a little more?  I think it might jar somebody's thinking a little more to hear some additional information about the requirements.


My initial thought, if the above doesn't get you closer to the requirements, would be to use a logon script or change in the code to do this.  Maybe with a timer.  I.E. reset the password, set it to expire at x minutes (if that helps), limit the machine it can logon to, and after x amount of time check for usage.  If found, reset the password.


I do have to ask if this would allow them to accomplish the function they need to accomplish however. I wonder if you're not giving them enough time to do what they need to do.


My rambling thoughts anyway.




On 1/5/06, Edwin < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Everyone,


I have an application that allows different users to reset a special domain account that allows for RDP sessions to be established on thousands of machines on a domain.  These usernames have a policy that forces the password to expire within 2 minutes.  If the password has expired, they must reset the password from within the application again to gain access to another server.


I am aware of the password expiration policy(ies), but I would like something different.  What I would like to do is force a user to reset their password upon first use.  As it stands, I can reset the password and still authenticate to many other servers as long as I am within the 2 minute expiration rule.


How can I have force a password to expire upon first use?  Is this possible?


Thank you for your replies,



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